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Comment Re:Why? (Score 1) 747

"Because it is quite likely that this arrest is about censorship to appease jihadists" This statement is bereft of facts or common sense. It comes from an outlook that perceives the president of the united states sides with terrorists when the truth of the matter is that the person making the statement is in fact defending someone who is NOT ACTUALLY FROM AMERICA, is a criminal, and is producing propaganda designed to put the lives of americans at risk. The fact that a large section of america's media is putting forth this type of bull is disgusting. I draw the line at slashdot. The statement changes the conversation form one that is based on facts to one that is based on propagandist conspiracy lies that favors a foreign operative above the office of the presidency of the united states. It is not a fit statement for a patriotic american nor for a person concerned with finding the facts of a situation, and therefore is not worthy of slashdot or any other mass media. Please idenify ONE fact that supports the statement above and I will retract my statement.

Comment Re:Why? (Score 0, Flamebait) 747

Get off slashdot. The people that modded you insightful need to get off slashdot as well. Please stop astroturfing our website with you propaganda. This guy is an egyptian criminal who came here with an agenda. The video was popularized through his contacts in egypt to stir up hatred of americans. He is a foreign terrorist operative. Locking up foreign criminals who are purposely trying to get americans killed is not censorship. I repeat. Get off slashdot your opinions are not welcome here. I hate to say that, but I have seen several posts this week that are obviously repeating propaganda with no attachment to the reality of the situation.

Comment Re:Breaking laws (Score 1) 218

Your reply make no rational sense because you are not actually responding to what the guy said and what he is doing is not illegal in china. This guy is responding to work requests from his job in his home country. I doubt that is illegal in china or a violation of the visa he is there on. If he had said "I'm going to china on a tourist visa, but I'm actually going to stand on a corner and pick up some day labor work." And then he followed it with "Once I get established, I plan on overstaying my visa." then what you are saying would make logical sense, and would actually be related to the discussion the rest of us are having. What you seem to be doing is changing the basis of the discussion to something you feel obliged to harp on about to the rest of us in order to parrot an established belief system you feel the rest of us are too stupid to figure out. Even if the guy was looking for a job in china, it would be more effective and make more sense to jail the citizens of china who with full knowledge systematically break the law by hiring illegal immigrants. On your second point regarding web censoship. I am not sure people go to jail in china for violating the web censor. It's a technological solution to their goals. My guess is that china has instituted this technological solution, accompanied by prosecution of large scale violations of it by internet cafe's or dissident organizations. The idea that china wants to jail americans for watching youtube videos is pretty silly. Arresting foreign national for a systematic structural issue with your own country is not an effective way to solve a problem, you have to get government to reign in large scale corporate lawbreakers to have any real effect. The fact that this was modded insightful is rather disturbing.

Comment Re:So where did they come from? (Score 4, Interesting) 216

This is likely to be true of every action of every whistleblower from now until the end of time. The very act of getting protected data from an organization by definition results in this situation. The only resort is to look at context and evaluate the information on the knowledge you have of the participants. The FBI has a proven track record of secretly monitoring Americans for close to 100 years. Anonymous has a decent reputation as occasionally competent hackers. Given these facts I would tend to give more weight to the evidence presented by anonymous than the denials by the FBI.

Comment Easy (Score 1) 789

I would drive back to my hometown immediately. While there I would try to get access to as much cash as possible. The rest I would move to bitcoins and place the wallet on a flash drive in my pocket. As soon as dark came on the second day, I would leave and move through town in the dark. Where I come from there are deserted dead end neighborhoods connected to long dark abandoned railway tunnels. Using a variety of pathways through this abandoned streets / tunnel system I am confident I could lose pursuit and gain access to the rail network. I would then stowaway on trains heading west until I reached california. After that I would hobo it north to the "Gold Coast" and get employment at a marijuana factory, or hide out with a bunch of hippies in the woods protecting the redwoods, hoping to not get arrested. I would be in california. My last transaction would be on the east coast. I am assuming they would believe I was in my hometown somewhere using "home territory advantage".

Comment Look at Economics (Score 3, Interesting) 999

Calgary, Alberta - Just located the world's greatest source of hydrocarbons near here on top of the second largest heavy oil deposits in the world. Coupled with great opportunity for growth in both tourism and agriculture. This city is one of the safest bets. Not too far from Vancouver and the sea as well. Perth Australia - Australia hasn't had a recession in 50 years. Perth is isolated both geographically and politically from most of the destructive currents on our planet, has significant energy deposits in the are, so it's probably a pretty safe bet. Good climate too. If global civilization collapses this is a possible re-seed point of civilization. North Dakota. - Low unemployment, booming economy. Pittsburgh PA - Low unemployment, booming (relatively to res of US) economy, massive sources of clean water, cheap place to live. Russian border regions around china - Probably a good area to locate economically. May have to worry about wars caused by demographics. Halifax Nova Scotia - Stable climate, place is isolated, local stocks of food.

Comment Re:Civil Disobedience Idea (Score 1) 186

You know, if one person, just one person does it they may think he's a 'bro and they'll just taze him. And if two people, two people do it - in harmony - they may think they're both faggots and they won't take either of them anywhere except Chick-Fil-A. And three people do it, three, can you imagine, three people walking through the scanner singing a bar of Alice's Restaurant and walking out? They may think it's an organization. And can you, can you imagine fifty people a day, I said fifty people a day walking in singing a bar of Alice's Restaurant and walking out. And friends they may think it's a movement.

No they will call it a terrorist orginization, place everyone on the no fly list, disapear to gautanomo anyone who complains and hit anyone who collects any money with, at a minimum, a RICO.

See you got it wrong, the more people the TSA bans and sends away the less dirty underwear they have to touch, so its a win for them. If all they had to do was just make sure NO ONE flew they would be much happier. TSA are the ahmish of the security world.

Comment Contractor wear (Score 5, Informative) 432

In the computer contracting field, which tends to be semi-profesional dress, what you are shooting for is bussines casual Slacks, black shoes, button up shirt (short or long sleeve) with no patterns on it.

Remember two things, you should not be climbing under things anymore. Directors direct others to do this work. Secondly you are now going to have to play interdepartment politics. this means you are going to have to make sure people take you seriously. this, unfortunatly for humans, means a dominance display in the form of your clothing. You are not going to win a budget fight and be taken seriously wearing clown shoes no matter how correct your argument is.

So accept that in your new world clothes still donates status and ability. You need to adapt because you are not going to change the course of human evolution overnight.

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