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User Journal

Journal Journal: Random Oddities

In the very recent past, quite a few people had the experience of watching their plane experience technical trouble and the possibility of their crash landing on television as it was actually happening. All's well that ends well and all the passengers lived through the experience but the comments of two of the passengers have stuck with me this far.

Some guy: I kept switching the channel back and forth between the plane crash and Comedy Central.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Fighting My Way Back

The couch won.

I've been horribly depressed. Well, after months of faking this hideous cheerfulness, I broke down.

My breakdowns usually involve messiness of unusual and alarming levels. What this translates to is that you can instantly tell my state of mind by the state of my house.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Sometimes it Snows In April

Sometimes it snows in April
Sometimes I feel so bad, so bad
Sometimes I wish life was never ending,
and all good things, they say, never last


Ain't it the truth?

I used to think that this was just a really cool, if not obvious, title of a Prince song but now I know it's true.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Darn, that's the end

I used to watch School House Rock a lot and I really used to get into the one about interjections. I really used to like the little girl at the end illustrating the point of the whole educational vid by saying "Darn, that's the end."

My father died today. And now that I have called everyone I need to call and talked to everyone I needed to talk to and now that I need to find a way to sum up how I feel about this, that's all I could come up with.

Darn, that's the end.

User Journal

Journal Journal: The Wrong Impression

Wanted, computer help.

Make one joke about prostitution and suddenly everyone thinks you're soliciting. Well not everyone. Just two people.

My last post was basically asking for computer help, not a relationship or offering oral sex. Apparently my joke was taken a tad out of context. But I guess fems who want to learn more about their PC's and also make sex jokes are probably scarce around these here parts. Or anyone's parts for that matter.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Nicer than Nice


Some people are just nice.

I know it's said that nice guys finish last and all that, but what about nice girls?

Yeah, probably us too. That still doesn't stop me from being infinitely greatful for all the nice things people have done for me lately.

Like the lady who barely knows me at work, but covered my shift TWO DAYS in a row, because I needed to be with my daughter.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Internet Addiction

I didn't realize how much the internet is a part of my life. Damn I'm online an awful lot. Slashdot doesn't help. 24/7 updates and lots of posts on every topic under the sun. Then there's games and chat and gosh hasn't this topic been done to death, but I am so caught up in all of this and I LOVE every friggin second of it.

User Journal

Journal Journal: This is my second journal entry....

... the first one disappeared. Can't figure out why. It was a nice little diatribe about why I decided to hang here at Slashdot.

The first time I wrote it, turns out it was illegal because I got a lovely blue screen that told me so. The second time it disappeared.

I wonder if this one will stick. If it does, I'll write some more.

Like you care.

Ah, a preview AND a save button. Methinks I did not save the first time. Or was that the second time.

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Marriage is the triumph of imagination over intelligence. Second marriage is the triumph of hope over experience.
