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User Journal

Journal Journal: A Chiropractic Alternative 1

In the past when I've thrown my neck out its taken months at the Chiropractor's office and quite literally hundreds of dollars to get back into shape. The alternative is regularly swimming which I did until I recently sublaxed my shoulders and strained my labrum while platform diving.
User Journal

Journal Journal: I live in a UN World Biosphere Reserve

Today I discovered that I live in a UN declared World Biosphere Reserve.

I've been here 7 months and had no idea, though I'd been exploring it and wandering around on the bicycle through the woodlands and escartment all summer thinking how beautiful it was and wondering why no-one had developed it. And now I know.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Our evil prof Giggles

Has scheduled a second class for this Friday. He needs to make the time up as he took a three week holiday and had some ass from his office **teach** us for that time.

So guess which weekend he'd pick to run it on? The long-weekend or a regular weekend? Go ahead - try it.

User Journal

Journal Journal: From the country that brought you Crop Circles... 2

Comes the sexing up of the book. Its about time too, I think, though I laughed and laughed when I first saw this (and still do); its actually a pretty neat idea.

This girl, hired by Penguin Books goes around London England and tries to find men reading the book-of-the-month. They win 1000lb when she does.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Why I won't see Fahrenheit 9/11

Damning Reveiw Here

As if MM's treatment of Bradbury (previous JE) wasn't enough, this article's author starts by describing the film as 'a sinister exercise in moral frivolity, crudely disguised as an exercise in seriousness' and throughout the article he is quite clearly offended by the film, and goes to great length to clearly show you just why its so offensive. His review just tears it apart.

User Journal

Journal Journal: What the heck is going on?

I was just talking to the girl from Italy who is living in the house (she's doing a post-doc here) and mentioned that I'd been shopping and picked up a few books, one of them was a book by Nabokov.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Midterms are virtually over

So I'm going to take the bike out for some off roading. This will be the first time in nearly three weeks that I'm going to exercise. I can't wait. That and I can finally play my didge again, and blog. Course that's only a respite, for half a day.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Roots Clothing 1

This is a random root for Roots . Their clothing is incredible, it beats The Gap hands down, and I was a huge Gap fan. I wish their prices were a little lower though. I can now get decent clothing and not support the exploitation of Korean workers who IIRC asked the west to boycott The Gap, something I'm finally now doing.
User Journal

Journal Journal: College Graduation 2

Graduation ceremony today for three years of Mechanical Engineering at college. Only about 1/4 of the class turnt up though which was a disappointment - all the guys that counted did though (friends).

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Whatever is not nailed down is mine. Whatever I can pry up is not nailed down. -- Collis P. Huntingdon, railroad tycoon
