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Journal Journal: What the heck is going on?

I was just talking to the girl from Italy who is living in the house (she's doing a post-doc here) and mentioned that I'd been shopping and picked up a few books, one of them was a book by Nabokov.

She knew his work (surprise, surprise, its always nice to meet someone who's read the same books as you) and said she'd been to a reading of his work while in Italy. Apparently some famous Italian author read from Lolita while, get this, it was danced to by two Tango dancers. What the heck?! Tango dancing to Lolita?

Is that sick or sick and fartsy?

User Journal

Journal Journal: Midterms are virtually over

So I'm going to take the bike out for some off roading. This will be the first time in nearly three weeks that I'm going to exercise. I can't wait. That and I can finally play my didge again, and blog. Course that's only a respite, for half a day.

The final exam this week was materials. No one finished the overly long exam. If I get 3/4ths of what I wrote correct, and what I wrote is worth 10 of 15 marks overall then I've virtually failed. The prof extended the exam time but it was an inept and futile gesture, it still means a bad mark all round and changed little.

Sunday we start working on a barcode and inventory system at a Mississauga (Ontario) Automotive Company. That is a major project which must be started, we have a month to do it in. All for our Operations Management class.

The bad news, not all life is good. Got shot down by a blond today. Plenty more fish in the sea though.

Also got into a fight with the landlord who, unfortunately, lives in the house, and I have to live with him. Ak. Thats life, some people are assholes, and nothing can be done about it. Perhaps I'll find a new place, I don't like the place I live in anymore anyways (previous problems with the landlord as well), and this is just the next step in the chain.

To end this JE on something actually interesting, from experience, this hat is a chick magnet. I'm serious, I have it in baby blue. Why it works idk... All that and you don't have to send me any money.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Roots Clothing 1

This is a random root for Roots . Their clothing is incredible, it beats The Gap hands down, and I was a huge Gap fan. I wish their prices were a little lower though. I can now get decent clothing and not support the exploitation of Korean workers who IIRC asked the west to boycott The Gap, something I'm finally now doing.

An interesting sidenote, I'm told that Roots clothing is really poplular in New Zealand. "To root" is a euphamism for sex and their clothing often pictures the Canadian beaver on it. Hence the popularity.

There are six stores in the States but none in New Zealand though, yet.

User Journal

Journal Journal: College Graduation 2

Graduation ceremony today for three years of Mechanical Engineering at college. Only about 1/4 of the class turnt up though which was a disappointment - all the guys that counted did though (friends).

When I arrived at 9:00 am I hadn't had any breakfast so got directions to the Mississaugua City Hall cafeteria (11th floor, beau view, and really well priced), and came back with an omlette breakfast. Watching me eating in the convention centre, this for some reason amused one of my classmates. "You're just as crazy as you always have been" he said, I think as a compliment.

Talking to my mom after the ceremony and she said that there was a really noisy group of guys and they weren't able to determine who they were. It was us and often lead by me. We cat-called and chanted the teachers names when they walked onstage and chatted all the way through the duller parts of the event. Everyone else in the hall was boring and well behaved for such an exciting occasion.

I kinda got the impression that many people didn't take the event seriously as of those who did come out (out of that day's programs), two of the guys wore shorts casuals and another had a suit and white running shoes. The first shorts and gown guy got a "Nice Legs!" shout from me as he passed in front of us onstage. I know he heard, I know the near audience did as well. All in good fun.

When onstage I shook the hands I had to, tucked my diploma under my arm, turnt to face the crowd and gave Churchill's 'V' sign on both upraised arms. Nervous? I think not, have all the fun you can.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Umbrella

Just before the storm hit I managed to run to the university's bookstore and pick up an umbrella. Its cheap and nasty and plastic and I paid twice the price as anywhere else as it's logo'ed, and because the bookstore was the only place I could reach that had umbrellas in the two minute rain window given.

Still, if much of the purpose in life is to have fun (I said much, not all), I got some pleasure out of owning it when I was able to offer it to a friend during class to redirect the airflow as he was freezing under the Air conditioner vent.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Adventure Story

So I'm out off-road cycling today up Hamilton Mountain and I take a new shortcut I've discovered which leads straight up the side of the Escartment: its dirty, stoney, and steep, and goes directly though the forest which surrounds the Escartment's cliffs.

Part way up the path splits and I decide to try the other branch as I hadn't taken it before. After about 10 minutes of hiking with the bike the highway traffic sounds have disappeared along with the path and I'm heading up the steep side of a vast forested valley cut into the side of the mountain. Its beautiful, and all I can hear are the birds and the waterfalls over the cliffs.

I climb nearly to the top of the valley and turn around to survey the view. Its then that I notice a sign nailed into a tree some thirty feet in front of me, I've just distantly passed it and and am now seeing it by chance as I'd stopped at just the right place.

"What", I ask myself, "is a sign doing out here in the middle of nowhere?". So I get off the bike and walk down to it, circling round the tree to see it's front. The sign read: "Danger: Shooting Range - Do Not Enter.". So I took the bike and headed back down the way I came.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Supersize Me 2

Saw Supersize me with a buddy tonight and what a total blast the picture it was.

For those who haven't heard, the premise of the picture is that the filmmaker (Morgan Spurlock) eats nothing but McDonald's' food for one month: breakfast, lunch, and supper, in an attempt to raise awareness about the obesity problem in today's America.

The film is very funny, witty, fascinating, and kind of scary.

Spurlock starts out by carefully describing the obesity epidemic in America and takes especial care to link it to fast food as he claims that obesity has only become a problem with the explosive ubiquity of fast food joints. He then announces his goal, one month of Mickey-Dees, and undergoes a series of full barrage medical tests prior the junk food run. Then the real film starts when the medical problems slowly accumulate and the vomiting starts from overeating his supersize meals.

The film is also a study of the fast food industry in America, its lobbyists, advertising, infiltration of schools, and pretty much everything else about it. But what prevents the film from being just another rant against the fast food industry is its' grounding in reality. We can see for ourselves that fast food is bad from watching the horrible effects it has upon the filmmaker, and from the continual run of disgustingly obese people captured by the camera working and eating in McDonald's. We are told that the food is bad and shown dietary clips on its lack of nutrition, but its the visual evidence and his doctor's warnings that keep us believing and laughing.

The scaryist thing about this picture is it states that in March 2004 (thats two months ago), Congress made it illegal to sue the fast food companies for creating obesity. And, one of the highlights of the picture wasn't actually in the film, it was hearing some girl in the audience freak when the amount of calories in the McDonald's salad was given.

So, speaking as someone who goes out of their way to not eat fast food, this film is a great piece of guilt free entertainment (at least since I've quit smoking).

Posted with Mozilla Spacesquid

User Journal

Journal Journal:

Time for a brief break in my boring stats hwk:

Napster Canada has launched, as reported here on /. a few days ago.

I am annoyed and insulted by the pathetic 'Canadian Animation' they included on the main page which is, I guess, supposed to thrill and excite us Canadians when all it is is just an offensive and cliche'd steriotypical portrayal of us (beer, hockey, beavers, you know the drill...). You can just see their animators sitting round a table in deepest America brainstorming on what's Canada's all about though none of them have ever been there.

As a Canadian their animation doesn't inspire me to shop there, and they're more expensive than the other Canadian stores. I'll wait for itunes, and till when music drops in price, but thats a while off yet, and I guess the real reason I'm not shopping there. Till then it's second hand, legal downloading, and the library as usual.

The only decent thing about the clip is the soundtrack, "Proud to be a Canadian" by the Dayglow Abortions, which is a good song from a good (but crazy) band.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Television is Dead. 1

This morning I read a McCleans Magazine article on the television watching ratings amongst young men (18-30 IIRC) that have fallen a staggering 17.6% and of the straws the networks are grasping at to save themselves. This is old news, everyone knows it. What was new to me was the networks' desperate efforts to prop up their dying businesses. The reasoning given in this article for their inability to bring back the male audiences is that they are not allowed to show excessive violence or obscenities, whereas cable television stations are allowed to do so. The so called "Free TV" rules are working against them. What a load of rubbish.

The networks are getting desperate as the question of "What is it that men want that we can provide?" can't be happily answered by the television anymore. So what do we want? We want to be experiancing a life and death battle, to jump down 1-1/2 stories off a building at two Axis dynamite-planting sabatoures while riddling them with our machine gun fire and laughing as they desperately try to find their attacker before they die. We want to perform feats of dexterity like disarming their two timed dynamite bombs just half a second before everyone goes up in fire and to know that it saved your team and the game. And when the battle's over and all you can hear is the sound of your heart, and you realize that your'e half standing in your chair, we want to sit back down again before continuing our video game.

Television just can't compete.

In fact, I'd go as far as saying that unless a television program is outrageously funny (like Seinfeld or the classic Simpsons) it just can't stand up at all in the slightest. Good laughs, I think, can match the adrenalin rush of the video game on an interest scale, but, as the television networks know, a show that generates such unqueued-by-the-laugh-track laughter is exceptionally rare (I'd also watch a really solid intellectual show, but then, that type of program depends upon a much smaller demographic than gender, the viewer's personal taste in documentaries).

But Adrenaline is just one of many reasons why television is dead. For instance, video games are available anytime, if I'm in the mood, I could be fighting the Nazi's in central Europe right now. If I want to watch Mash, I'm outta luck, unless I wait till its on, by which time I'll probably be outta the Mash mood. Thats why we channel surf you know, to find a show which matches our mood because we don't like to match our mood to the show.

The BBC has recently announced that they will be starting television on demand (as reported here on /.), allowing the British Public to download, watch, and even burn to DVD any show they want and when they want. The Beeb is and will certainly thrive in the digital age.

Finally if a lack of excitement, no good laughs, and being at the right time and in the right mood to watch a show aren't enough to turn you off, then the advertising will. Without bothering to look up any statistics, theres too much of it, even in Canada, which is nothing compared to the States. If they want a return of their wandering audiences, who are playing games without advertising breaks, they are going to drastically lessen the ads. Perhaps take a que from the forwards-looking Beeb and place them between the shows and not in them.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Quote 1

"In all its practical uses, science works to entrench anthropocentrism." -- John Gray, _Straw Dogs_

(1. Grab the nearest book. 2. Open the book to page 23. 3. Find the 5th sentence. 4. Post the text of the whole sentence in your journal along with these instructions).

Third nearest fiction book (I passed up the textbooks and the first quote was a scandalous quote of Nabokov's which I'm not about to post (and the second one was too for that matter, but thats Nabokov though).

Wuthering Heights - Emily Bronte: "Then, a new idea flashed across me."

User Journal

Journal Journal: My (near) but dissappointing Linux experiance

Well, I just got turned away from an introductory Linux course by a fat bastard. Here's the story, i want to blow off some steam.

Some computer club at my university put up posters advertizing a linux introductory course - free cd and manual. I saw the posters yesterday and decided to go. Today, they magically had added that you had to buy tickets. When I went to buy tickets they were sold out but I was condescendingly told (by the above mentioned guy) that I might be able to get in by dropping by though I wouldn't pick up a cd or manual.

Needless to say, when I got there, he was condescending to all fifteen of us without tickets waiting in the hall and wouldn't let us in, despite that fact that some people who had tickets hadn't turnt up, or that it was a huge classroom and there was plenty of room. The two other students who were handing out the manuals and cds, I think, genuinely felt sorry for us, and were as polite as this fearless leader wasn't.

So I'm back to square one again.

For the record it was Knoppix Linux. I guess I'll just go at it myself sometime. If anyone can point me to a site for newbs, I'd be gratefull.

By the way, is there such a thing as a spell checker which I can access by highlighting and RC'ing the mouse? Opening MS Word is a pain everytime I want to spell check...

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