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User Journal

Journal Journal: Update.

Just so you know... I still hate niggers!
User Journal

Journal Journal: Dumbasses.

While I am certainly justified in my way of thinking (kill all niggers!!!), and it is very easy to defend this position, I have found debating with assholes to quickly become a waste of time.

Journal Journal: Is it worth it?

I figured I'd register, instead of posting as "Anonymous Coward". But, is it really worth doing? If I'm going to post lower, at a -1, because I'm registered (and honest about my opinions) what the hell is the point?
User Journal

Journal Journal: First post?

So, this is my first journal entry. Whoopee!

I chose this name because I really am a racist, and I thought it was kinda catchy.

I found out that this name is loads of fun. I get modded as a troll or as flamebait, just for my name. Almost every post I make gets 2 "Anonymous Coward" replies yelling about how I should be banned from /.

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The difference between reality and unreality is that reality has so little to recommend it. -- Allan Sherman
