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User Journal

Journal I'm a racist.'s Journal: First post?

So, this is my first journal entry. Whoopee!

I chose this name because I really am a racist, and I thought it was kinda catchy.

I found out that this name is loads of fun. I get modded as a troll or as flamebait, just for my name. Almost every post I make gets 2 "Anonymous Coward" replies yelling about how I should be banned from /.

Just look at my "freaks" list. I gained about 10 in my first real day of posting. I didn't even argue with most of them (I think I got into little arguments with 2 of them). The rest hate me simply because I'm a racist.

Kinda ironic, isn't it? They hate me (based on a very quick assesment) because I hate other people, based on very quick assesments.

I'll have to do a bit of karma-whoring on a regular basis, just to keep my default post score above 0. If you're a racist, and a moderator, feel free to throw me some points, just to keep my posts visible.

The next person to mention spaghetti stacks to me is going to have his head knocked off. -- Bill Conrad
