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Journal I'm a racist.'s Journal: Dumbasses.

While I am certainly justified in my way of thinking (kill all niggers!!!), and it is very easy to defend this position, I have found debating with assholes to quickly become a waste of time.

Someone wanted me to open up my journal to comments. I would get some enjoyment from promoting my views (and winning supporters), it's really just a pain in the ass. The people that would reply are only looking to argue, they aren't willing to listen/learn (kinda like niggers).

I do sometimes like to provoke people. I used to really enjoy arguing with people about religion (it's so easy!). And, there are some people out there that are now athiests because of me. Of course, I've opened some people's eyes to the problems caused by accepting the dirty skins as our equals too. I would gladly do so here, except I expect that the majority of people I'll get responding to me are only looking to argue. There's no point, they won't listen to what I have to tell them.

There was one douchebag that started arguing with me on /. not too long ago. It was rather pathetic. He couldn't grasp simple concepts. He tried to say that Indians (dots, not feathers) can't be inferior to whites, because the same logic would mean that jews are also inferior. The flaw in his argument is that jews are inferior. Sure, some others understood, but they probably understood already. So, by arguing I wouldn't have properly educated the dumbass, and those that could learn already knew.

That's the problem with opening my journal, it's pointless. The people who would argue with me are incapable of understanding the arguement, and are simply out to be a pain in the ass. It would just be a drain on my time.

Down with Saudi Arabia!!!

"Gravitation cannot be held responsible for people falling in love." -- Albert Einstein
