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Journal Journal: Rant: Why i hate Java (simple, old debate) 4

Why do i hate Java? (And C too.) retardedNames, case sensitivity, offsets treated like indexes. These are examples of where programmers had good ideas but then unfortunately designed them into a language.

Comment's the LAW! (Score 1) 423

And how. It wasn't so long ago that being gay was thought to be a mental illness, and not long before that, having a vagina and being subject to the estrous (the word even implies being driven mad) cycle was basically an open indictment against one's mental state.

In a fit of circular logic, a certain subset of the anti-2A crowd pretty much imply that wanting to own a firearm for whatever purpose is equivalent to being crazy.... and so... Oh, you want a gun huh? Oops. DENIED. I bet if we were to come up with an ultimate political Venn diagram, these folks would strongly overlap with uber-feminists who believe that having a penis means you're a rapist, you just haven't been caught yet.

Comment Re:Hillary Clinton says: (Score 1) 271

Ms. Clinton was then "able to seize on loopholes" to help who she represented.
Indeed, this seems to be an ideal trait to have in Washington. Whether or not she would chose to be representative of "us" except for increasingly limited definitions of "us" is, however, another question entirely.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Line: There's an AP (app) for that.

We need something done tomorrow. We're off tomorrow. The Asia/Pacific (AP) team is in tomorrow. So, need it done tomorrow? There's an AP (app) for that.

Well, it was funny when i thought of it...

Comment Re:So where are the CVE/Vuln reports for this?Oh,w (Score 2) 165

> There have been public demonstrations, some televised, of certain models of modern car that allow you to change things like timings and injection sequences, via OBD, over Blueooth, using default passcodes.

What car has Blutooth OBD without having to have physical access to the car to attach a bluetooth dongle to the OBD port?

Comment The Fuck? (Score 4, Insightful) 175

>This isn't a problem if every single entry fits into exactly the same format, but how often is the world that generous?
> What if two people share the same address but not the same account?

You dont make it a unique field?

> What if you want to have three lines to the address instead of two?

You have an empty field?

> Who hasn’t tried to fix a relational database by shoehorning too much data into a single column? Or else you end up adding yet another column, and the table grows unbounded.

Yeah, I cant read this crap considering the very next section is 'Disk space is cheap'. If it's cheap, who cares about 1 extra field in the database.

Remember guys MongoDB is webscale

Comment Re:Let's start by repealing the 17th Amendment... (Score 1) 233

> If we put Senators back under the control of state legislatures, they'll be less influenced by outside money because the state legislatures can yank the leash when these "law makers" stop representing their constituents appropriately. This would make the Citizens United decision less relevant, at least on the Senate side.

No, all that'll do is move the lobbyists to influence the state legislatures again.

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