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Comment Re:This is great news! (Score 1) 485

Iraq was not in "free fall" when Obama took office. It was doing fine. Think it's not "maintainable"? Tell that to N. Korea and Japan, where we still have troops from the 1940s and 50s.

The guy who takes over the rudder cannot be blamed when the plane crashes into the ground.
Actually, it's more like the pilot got up to use the restroom and the co-pilot crashed the plane. Your response? Blame the pilot.

The clusterfuck that is Iraq is solely the fault of Bush and his team of gung-ho democracy cowboys
Like I said in another post:
When Bush took office, living in Iraq was a 3 on a 1-10 scale. When Bush left office, it was a 7.
Now, after six years of Obama, that ranking has gone from a 7 to a 1. And you're blaming Bush for not keeping it a 3?

Comment Re:This is great news! (Score 2) 485

Well, the last time Republicans were in charge was Jan 2007. At that time, the unemployment rate was 4.6% and falling, and the deficit was $161 billion.

Yes, they certainly built quite an extravagant house of cards. If only they'd held power for one more term it wouldn't have collapsed...or something.

Republicans controlled Congress for 12 years; six years with a Democrat president, six with a Republican. The highest unemployment seen during this entire 12 years was 6.3%, and it lasted only one month.
If Republicans were the problem, we shouldn't we have seen a problem before 14 years had passed?

Since 2009, for five years, we have not seen the unemployment rate drop below 5.9%.

Comment Re:This is great news! (Score 5, Informative) 485

Great numbers. Not a single source on any of them. If your source is your ass then please state so.

Unemployment rates:

Deficit numbers: (First Spreadsheet)

95% of recovery goes to top 1%:

Death toll in Afghanistan:

Who knew my ass was sited all over the Internet!

Comment Re:This is great news! (Score 4, Interesting) 485

But I would really like to hear one person such as yourself explain, by the numbers, how this is not a time of relative peace and prosperity?

Well, the last time Republicans were in charge was Jan 2007. At that time, the unemployment rate was 4.6% and falling, and the deficit was $161 billion. Since a year after the Democrats have taken Congress, neither the unemployment rate nor the deficit has been this low.

As for now, 95% of the "recovery" has gone to the top 1% and the labor participation rate is at the lowest point since the '60s.

As for "peace", we've lost more soldiers in Afghanistan in six years under Obama than we lost in eight years of Bush. Iraq is on fire with women and children being sold into slavery or have their heads cut off and placed on stakes like the men. ISIS, a group that makes Al Qaeda look like alter boys, has taken over much of Iraq and is even making money from the oil sales. In Africa, school girls are being kidnapped and sold as sex slaves or wives, as if there is a difference.

Are these the numbers you were looking for?

Comment Re:What a surprise (not) (Score 0) 265

If anything, Ferguson authorities were not nearly harsh enough in their response. How long did the riots go on, and how many innocent people lost property and/or were assaulted? How many business owners lost their livelihood? What should the police have done, just pulled out altogether? Actually yes, that is what they should have done. Let the animals have Ferguson; just keep them out of the surrounding areas.

Comment Two thoughts (Score 1) 287

Why do we have to assume we can't make any changes to the nature of traffic lights to make them more easily machine readable? Since it requires a car with a lot of cameras to maintain the road information accurate enough for the self driving car, why would lots of cars with fewer cameras do an equally good job? For things like potholes, we can't self driving cars report information about how smooth a particular path along the road is so that pot holes are mapped?

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