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Comment Re:Then she will be out of a job (Score 1) 421

Well, it's a tool in the tool box but even if you had $50,000 worth of power tools from the New Yankee Workshop that doesn't make you Norm Abram.
All too often, people self-diagnose, find the "cure" on the interwebs, or listen to morons like Dr. Oz. You still need a trained physician to prescribe a course of treatment.

Comment What's that rash? (Score 2) 421

My sister is a physician (internist, not a dermatologist) and she wants and app that would allow her to take a picture of a patient's skin condition and suggest possible diagnoses. Probably something that would need to be crowdsourced or tied into Watson.

Comment What FUD? (Score 1) 81

I speak from experience. The development tools and support for many of these products is mediocre at best. Good luck trying to get support for one of the pure Chinese offerings. There are better solutions from domestic manufacturers and you can actually call them on the phone with tech support questions. Of course, you're going to pay a bit more for that. Not a lot. My point is that from a development cycle point of view, if you have to pay one or more engineers for six months of work just to figure out how to build the foundation instead of building the actual product, that cost is likely offset by a more expensive, well-documented, domestic product.

Comment Low price vs. developer-friendly (Score 1) 81

IMHO, there's too much focus on highlighting the fact that there are a lot of boards under $100 and not enough focus on products/companies that sell stuff that won't take six months to figure out how to work with. If you think about it, if it takes a reasonably experienced Linux developer a lot of time to figure out how to build kernels and build a development environment, are you really saving that much. When your goal is to make product, do you really want to waste time on low-level stuff just to get to the point where you can start working on your high-level application?

Comment It all started with CNN (Score 2) 208

Or at least the 24-hour news cycle did when they covered the girl in the well story endlessly. To make matters worse, social media is enabling bogus memes to spread like kudzu. There's an important phrase that people should be taught and that is "Totality of the circumstances." What this means is that these bogus memes are almost always one-sided counting on the gullibility of the viewer to accept it as fact without knowing that there are circumstances and facts that happened which are conveniently skipped lest they burst the bubble of the narrative.

Comment Illutrates my hesitation (Score 1) 26

Your snark reinforces my questions about using any of the current offerings whose price doesn't require mortgaging the house. And I have so many questions that go unanswered. For example, what's the print speed in terms of volume e.g. cubic millimeters per second? And I had to scoff/chuckle at CubeX who won't tell you exactly how much material is in one of their cartridges. When I asked, they said "Oh, you can print about 75 cellphone cases." WTF? A cellphone case is not a standardized unit of measure, doofus.

For me, the killer app is printing custom PCB enclosures. Makes you wonder why COTS embedded computer manufacturers don't have a meeting with companies like Hammond to make enclosures that fit (and skip the fancy styling because that stuff isn't going to sit on a shelf). But I digress. So I want to print enclosures but my concern is that they take a day to print and the print fails 8 hours in. My other concern is that they look like crap on the outside. People are buying home frying machines, filling them with acetone, and dunking their prints in hot acetone to smooth the layers. Beyond that, you have to wonder when Makerbot comes out with a failed print shredding machine so you can recycle the plastic into new filament.

Comment Misplaced FUD (Score 2) 230

Here's my theory: Sony was worried that some crazy person is going to batcrap crazy in one of these theaters think that North Korea has sympathizers like ISIS does. The two are not synonymous. You don't see people running around saying that North Korea is regime of peace and North Korea hates us because we stole their oil. By the same token, nobody in Hollywood got all first amendment defensive about the guy who made Innocence of Muslims and wound up in jail (how convenient). Further, nobody in Hollywood decided to close theaters when Dinesh D'Souza came out with multiple movies that some might say would motivate Tea Partiers to do what the left keeps trying to b.s. everyone into believing that they do. Bottom line: Hollywood is a cesspool of hypocrisy.

Comment Here's what I don't understand (Score 2) 43

I happened to watch the Barbara Walter albeit brief segment on Elon Musk last night and I was stunned that the mount of money he got not just for selling PayPal but for selling his first company to Compaq. Hundreds of millions of dollars. Not only have I never heard of that first company but Compaq doesn't exist anymore and who knows if HP is doing anything with what they acquired when the bought Compaq. I have the same questions about friggin' Instagram, Whatsapp, et al. Who decides what these companies are valued at and on what basis? It's clearly not based on company profits because many of them have no profits. In a lot of cases, the product or service that the company has isn't unique, is pointless fluff, or will be obsolete in short order. Or is it all about having representation, an agent or lawyer or whatever, that is able to convince others that their client is worth a lot like Hollywood agents do?

Comment Is IP address = SketchFactor? (Score 4, Insightful) 156

So is using the IP address the banking equivalent of the SketchFactor app? You just happen to have an ISP whose pool of addresses contains a bunch of scammers. Will this banking software decide that you too are also a scammer? What are the other "risk" factors? ACH made no judgements on the transaction.

Comment Re:Screw you white boys (Score 4, Interesting) 307

Not quite. Race SHOULD BE irrelevant but it's most definitely not, particularly these days. Gender SHOULD BE irrelevant but it's most definitely not. What should be of the utmost importance is a person's ability. As a historical reference, look at how the chemical industry got started back in the Victorian era. A British research student discovered the world's first artificial dye. But his teachers were all German. Why? Because back then, the Germans were very good at opening universities and technical schools and letting anyone attend based on merit, never mind their family background. To the British, such behavior was very much lower-class so they blew a golden opportunity to capitalize on a totally new science which the Germans took to the bank.

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