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Comment Re:US policy: first arm them then bomb (Score 1) 215

That is nonsense. The US government provided arms to the Iraqi government. The Iraqi government lost control over them due to the attacks that they weren't able to stand up to. They probably would have made it if the US still have a meaningful presence there. The US left Iraq in no small part due to the stupid claims detached from reality that the US was there for the oil when it is European and Chinese companies getting the oil contracts.

It's Europe that is hurting for oil, not the US.

But.. but.. but.. zionists!

The Jews are behind everything!!

I've seen it mentioned "Proof: IS haven't attacked Israel!"

Comment It is much smaller than the iPads screens (Score 3, Insightful) 116

But it is much smaller than the iPads screens.

It is less than 1/9 the size of the 10" of an iPad.

Also can I expect the resolution to suck too?

Why cares? Why is this slashvertisment posted on /.?

It may not be much smaller than an old iPod Touch and maybe it doesn't have worse resolution either who knows but so what? It's still poor and shitty. Small, low-res and no e-ink.

"Shitty smartphone can do smartphone stuff although shitty" - You don't say?

I know the later may come out as trolling but .. it's just the truth.

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Gee, Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore.
