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Comment Everyone throttle back for a minute... (Score 2, Insightful) 260

The only reason the USB connection is needed is to provide the +5V power. At work, there were computers set to disable USB storage - and to report any attempts to the admins - since flashdrives etc were banned for these same security concerns. Had some small video cameras that needed recharging; 30 seconds with a pair of wire cutters and electrical tape resulted in a USB cable containing only the power and ground wires (no ability whatsoever for data to make it through). Sounds like this is what Energizer needs to do. There is no need for data transfer in a battery charger, and extra wires put in by a rogue factory are a lot easier to detect than malicious code.

Comment Re:Additional risk to us: (Score 1) 522

Except for the fact that the vast majority of those killed are more "innocent relatives" - the Iraqi/Afghan citizens killed when a suicide bomber goes into a crowded market, etc. Those fighting the American revolution may have used guerrilla tactics against the British, but they didn't deliberately go and kill their own townspeople instead.

Comment Re:Can someone who understands the IRS explain? (Score 1) 691

Do the same rules apply to government contractors? I know of several who fill full time positions (doing actual work in accordance with their salary btw) working out of govt offices, using govt office supplies, etc. and their only interaction with their parent companies is to collect the paycheck/update their health/benefits paperwork. This is usually done because it's a lot easier to get funding for a specific position under a certain project contract than to go through the personnel gyrations required to add another government civil service billet.

According to these rules, would the contractors be eligible for federal retirement/health/etc?

Comment Re:We have a creationist "museum"... (Score 0) 502

I think other areas are the cause. You don't see China or India leading the world with billions of dollars of research on how life began (because it really isn't a priority). Creation vs evolution doesn't affect chemistry, physics, or 90% of biology. I know several very smart and productive hard science PhDs who espouse creationist viewpoints; somehow it doesn't affect their work (they obviously don't work in evolutionary biology though).

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