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Comment Re:Who would have thought (Score 1) 60

Ahem.. It's pretty easy to just watch someone type in their passcode. You can even use a video recording device if you don't trust your ability to discern it at first glance or if you want to do it from a considerable distance. That'd be pretty unintrusive and you won't need physical access to the device or the owner.

Comment Re:All hype, no content (Score 1) 164

It takes many many days, some say nine months until a human barely survives without intense support from a highly trained and specilized host. And at least several more months, some say years, until it does anything productive. All the while it's constantly updated with new hardware. So.. shall we give this project a bit more time before we deem it useless?

Comment Re:I guess... (Score 1) 91

Except you're totally wrong. IBMs POWER processor are entirely PowerPC to this day and have bee so since the mid 1990s (POWWER2 was the last POWER processor that was not PowerPC). The latest POWER9 is using the third version of the PowerPC instruction set. You are right though that they hardly cared for PowerPC the desktop space, and entirely right if you meant the consumer computer space.

Comment Good! (Score 1) 304

Yes, it's hard to get approval to shoot thousands of people in a tube dug underground across several legislative jurisdictions. I wonder why? What could possibly go wrong is such scenario? Could people die? Could the tunnel compromise sensitive locations? Could the tunnel disrupt plans already set in motions by the in-between communities? I think it's perfectly fair to make this difficult, and I think Musk is tenacious enough to see it through, and by junmping through the hoops make an even better product than if a more laissez faire attitude towards other people were the standard.

Comment Why humanoid? (Score 4, Interesting) 141

Can someone explain to me why a humanoid configuration would be the best form such a robot would come in? Seems so me that this form we have has some pretty severe downsides that can be accounted for if we had the opportunity to redesign us for military purposes. We fall over easily, have a hard time getting up, have limited locomotion options, have limited FOV, only two tool manipulating appendages with limited articulation and action range, don't float, can't jump good or fly, exposed compute/sensory hub, etc.. I'd go with a more octopus like configuration with for example six appendages with independent compute/sensory complexes, and that can be used for locomotion, recon, tool manipulation or just as backup looks nothing like a bipedal humanoid.

Comment Re:Article has (almost) nothing to do with MacOS (Score 5, Insightful) 64

I agree with your assessment of the paper. It's amazing to see that the Mac is targeted by a total of 450.000 malware, while there's a total of a wopping 625 million targeting all platforms. That's less than 0.1% of all malware targeting the Mac. Yes.. let's talk about how infested the Mac is one more time.. Any decade now the threat will become meaningful.

Comment Re:Australia? Who cares. Worthless futurists (Score 1) 366

While I get your point, the population of Sweden just past 10 million, and Sydney, Australia's largest city is just shy of 5 million. I don't entirely agree with your point though.. If an entire country moves from one payment system to another, it's a larger deal compared to a very large city since a country is a more complete economic system than a city. And if one country makes it work, then the method will be easier to emulate in another. A city on the other hand is not governed in a nearly as complicated fashion as a country so that's not as big of a deal no matter how large a city.

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