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Comment Re:Very true (Score 1) 74

That is my guess as to why these emails were not sent out sooner. From pre-orders Apple knows now what are the less popular watch models so this one is probably the bottom of the list (most people from the sound of it like the dark bodies more than the silver). That makes it less likely someone would buy one to re-sell, or just to order to have a watch early instead of actually needing one to to testing with, and thus any developer sales will not really affect shipping dates for anyone who ordered this model since they probably already had enough of them made to ship out some extras.

I also think that as the emails get sent out, Apple waits a day or so to see if the person bites, then they send someone else an email... I have no idea how they choose who to send these to, as I'm an iOS developer working on an Apple Watch compatible app and I didn't get one.

I would have thought the blue band was one of the more popular band colors, but perhaps not. Or perhaps that's to make up for having to get the silver watch... :-)

Every single iOS developer at my company got one of these emails - except me. Apple asked us back in November to create an app for the Apple Watch, so maybe that has something to do with it. I'm also the only person who won the WWDC lottery at my company. So who knows?

Comment Re:Progressive Fix 101 (Score 1) 622

How many Prius would you need to carry 7 people, plus 7 suitcases of stuff, plus tow an 8,000 lb trailer?

I own a Yukon XL, which is the GMC version of the Suburban.

I am not attempting to troll by asking this question, but I am curious: what percentage of the miles driven in that Yukon have just 1-3 people, and little luggage? What percentage of the miles are driven with 7 people, 7 suitcases, and an 8,000-lb trailer?

Comment Re:The problem is "beneficial" (Score 2) 197

I absolutely hate ethical thought problems. They're always presented with a limited number of actions, with no provision for doing anything different or in addition or anything like that. Give me an actual situation, and let me ask questions about it that aren't answered with "no, you can't do that".

They're done that way to distill a matter down to the essence. The same issues apply to complicated situations, but they are far more convoluted.

Is it OK to force people to pay taxes so that others can have free health insurance? If they refuse to pay their taxes is it OK to imprison them, again so that others can have free health insurance? Is it ethical to pay $200k to extend the life of somebody on their deathbed by a week when that same sum could allow a homeless person to live in a half-decent home for a decade? Does it make a difference if the person who will live a week longer is happy and healthy for that week? Is the lottery ethical?

Every one of these issues is controversial, and ethical thought problems try to distill them down to elementary values problems, in the hope of shedding light on how to handle real-world ones where there are many more possible outcomes.

Comment Re:The problem is "beneficial" (Score 1) 197

Perhaps, but I think we could get close for 90% of the world's population.

"Thall shall not kill" is a pretty common one.

"Thall shall not steal" is another, and so on.

Most humans seem to agree on the basics, "be nice to people, don't take things that aren't yours, help your fellow humans when you can, etc.

Well, the army and Robin Hood might take issue with your statements. :) Nobody actually follows those rules rigidly in practice.

It isn't really enough to just have a list of rules like "don't kill." You need some kind of underlying principle that unifies them. Any intelligent being has to make millions of decisions in a day, and almost none of them are going to be on the lookup table. For example, you probably chose to get out of bed in the morning. How did you decide that doing this wasn't likely to result in somebody getting killed that day, or did you not care? I didn't give it much thought, because if I worried about causal relationships that far out I'd never do anything. But, when should an AI worry about such matters?

We actually make moral decisions all the time, we just don't think about them. When we want to design an AI, suddenly we have to.

Comment Re:The problem is "beneficial" (Score 1) 197

We are not machines, it would be sad if we lost the humanity that makes us special.

Well, the fact that not everybody would agree with everything you just said means that none of this has anything to do with the fact that you're human. You have a bunch of opinions on these topics, as do I and everybody else.

And that was really all my point was. When we can't all agree together on what is right and wrong, how do you create some kind of AI convention to ensure that AIs only act for the public benefit?

Comment Re:Legitimate question (Score 1) 310

I'm suggesting competition between markets. In the end the providers who best serve the people who actually make and lose real money, not the pure speculators, will determine what rules they want to follow, and it won't be the crap rules that Goldman and such want.

That would work if:

1. People could actually control what markets their money got invested in. Last time I checked I had no control over where my pension is invested. If my company's pension fund is wiped out, that is a problem for me.

2. Governments actually let people lose their money when they make bad choices. However, because of #1 they really can't do this. Plus so many people make bad choices they couldn't even really let it happen even if it were completely voluntary.

When markets are "too big to fail" then they need to be regulated so that they don't fail.

I'm definitely a fan of minimal intrusion. I'd have taken much more market-based solutions to most of the financial crisis problems, such as splitting up large banks (more competition, nobody is too big to fail on their own), or making bailouts much more powerful (government eminent domains company, reorganizes with only an interest to the national economy and no care of shareholders, and they do everything they can to find a basis for suing every previous executive of the company, then in the end the company is IPOed to get it out of the government's hands, the government recoups all its costs first, and then if anything is left over it goes to previous debtholders followed by shareholders). Because of collective idiocy I still think that markets are going to need to be regulated.

Comment Re:The problem is "beneficial" (Score 1) 197

And that would be the reason I said "some" Nazi activities and not "all" Nazi activities. I certainly find them abhorent, but if you take a strictly utilitarian view then things like involuntary experimentation on people could be justified.

Logically, yes...

Morally, no...

We are not Vulcans...

That was my whole point. We can't agree on a logical definition of morality. Thus, it is really hard to design an AI that everybody would agree is moral.

As far as whether we are Vulcans - we actually have no idea how our brains make moral decisions. Sure, we understand aspects of it, but what makes you look at a kid and think about helping them become a better adult and what makes a psychopath look at a kid and think about how much money they could get if they kidnapped him is a complete mystery.

Comment Re:Legitimate question (Score 1) 310

What I would suggest is that the barrier to entry for establishing different markets should be kept as low as feasible, and it should be relatively easy for order flow to move between one and another.

I'd argue the opposite. I'd encourage one set of rules for markets to operate under, and make it illegal to trade securities in any other way. Flash crashes and such are a threat to the national economy (just look back at 2008). The markets certainly should be regulated in a way that helps to stabilize them. It would also make things like transaction taxation easy to implement, and eliminate a lot of forms of fraud and tax evasion. Any security would be traded in exactly one market, and you own however many shares of it the exchange says you own.

Comment Re:So? (Score 1) 310

There are lots of problems with this:

Arbitrage between different markets for one.

Just require that anything traded in the market be traded there exclusively. For additional effect, require by law that all trades within the country use a market that operates under these rules.

There is a lack of transparency ...

I do agree with some of these concerns. This model does require trusting the market administrators, and they would be in a position to give tremendous advantage to any party with inside connections.

Keeping the book secret, is another requirement you have, but it is impractical, and is difficult to audit or enforce.

I have mixed feelings on whether it should be secret. If it weren't, then those particular issues go away but there are others that then come up. However, I don't have a problem with anybody voluntarily sharing information. They just shouldn't be required to do so. I'd also allow anybody to directly place trades - it shouldn't cost anything to directly submit orders to the exchange other than perhaps having a deposit or bond.

Comment Re:I'm driving a rented Nissan Pathfinder while my (Score 1) 622

car is being repaired. Ridiculous! 20 MPG and every time I step on the brakes or the gas it rocks back and forth like a rocking chair. It seats about as many people as a sedan and can carry only slightly more junk than a sedan. Why do people want to drive these things? They aren't attractive, they don't stop/go fast, they can't carry much stuff. I don't get it.

I don't understand why so many people want to drive pickups either. In a pickup you can only haul stuff you care about in decent weather. I get it if you're a farmer or ranch hand and need to haul messy stuff year round, but why would anyone else want to drive a truck? And why is it that the bigger the pickup, the greater the odds that they will back into parking spaces?

I have a crossover SUV that gets about the same gas mileage as a Nissan Altima (3.6L though, which means a lot more kick). I can fit every single piece of furniture I own in that thing (not all at one time, obviously), except for my bed. It seats 5 people more comfortably than a sedan of that size. I bought it to haul around gear that I was using on a weekly basis - though I no longer need that capability. I ended up getting an inexpensive scooter to save on gas.

Comment Re: So what? (Score 1) 407

Would you feel as coldly towards a person suffering diabetes? A person who needs daily finger-prick blood testing and may even require insulin injections?

We didn't get to choose our brains or our bodies, just like you didn't get to choose yours.

Besides, if I had a choice I'd naturally rather be a unicorn, just like every other sane person out there.

I know someone who has diabetes who does not (and should not drive). They have historically had trouble controlling their blood sugar properly and, as such, have had trouble remaining consciousness from time to time. No one mandated that this person not drive, but they felt like it was in the interest of safety that they not drive.

Comment Re:A Very Public Warning (Score 1) 230

A police chief that clearly stands for the police state, where public and private partnerships arbitrarily decide who is guilty and who is not and deny access to those them deem to be what ever they deem them to be for what ever reason they deem ie guilt upon accusation without proof. So how do you keep terrorists from attacking your customers without securing your services. How do you adhere to principles of a countries constitutions when you start ignoring them to convenience the police state.

So Mr Police Chief, why are convicted terrorists allowed full access to the internet because until you prove you case, they are not terrorists they are suspects. So the headline should be "Too many corporations allow secure access to the Internet for potential suspects of crime". As for suspect being less informed about police tactics, hey shit for brains Police chief, all of your tactics are by law required to be subject to public review and be taken into account at the next election as a measure of how well that government is handling the justice system. A citizen has a right to review all the actions of a government and then they get to choose whether they approve and vote for them again or whether they disapprove and vote for someone else.

Oh I thought he was making the statement that too many tech companies were helping terrorist police states in domestic and foreign spying.

Comment Re:So? (Score 1) 310

The solution to this kind of problem is to have trades executed hourly or even daily, but at a random time which is not disclosed in advance. There might be only general guarantees such as it being at least 6 hours after the last trade. So, sometime on Tuesday every trade will be executed, and it will be between midnight and midnight. The computer will freeze the book at a random moment, and then run through and execute every trade it can. The book is secret until this time, and published after this time. I could see an argument for allowing changes or not, so I'm not sure which is better, though obviously all sales are final.

Comment Re:Loss of liquidity (Score 2) 310

Then the cost of price discovery will go up significantly.

Define "significantly."

Do we really need nanosecond resolution on stick price changes?

Do fluctuations at those levels REALLY reflect changes in the actual value of a company? At 4:01.000000001 PM is GM really worth 14.01, but at 4:01.0000000012 something changed and it is now worth 14.02? And what is the cost of having this "extra resolution?"

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