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Comment Re: There's no such thing as aliens (Score 0) 120

No one believes in deity without evidence.

People ignore evidence of things all the time.

Especially arrogant people.

Scientists and academics are the worst performers.

Just read any scientific journal and it is obvious.

Most new discoveries start out with the same trope: scientists, for the first time, have questioned an particular unfounded assumption that had no experimental evidence to recommend it, but which they had vigorously defended as fact for decades.

Comment Re: It was just a coincidence that the virus start (Score 0) 167

Demember during the disasteous Obama administration, the US government made it legal to practice propaganda campaigns against the US people.

This is likely what we are seeing here.

As we learn more the likelihood of a leak is being replaced with the likelihood of intentional creation and release.

A leak is just a rouse.

Comment Re:Who saw this coming? Everyone! (Score 2) 47

It's like designating schools as "gun free zones."

The people who passed this legislation are not the stupidest people on the planet.

They knew exactly what they were doing, and how it would harm people.

They just don't care about you one single bit. You are not the ones paying them. You aren't the ones giving their family and friends jobs that make millions. You aren't the ones covering for and providing their vices.

You have no standing until you make their lives uncomfortable in some way. They have comfort already.

Comment Re:Enablers, you say? (Score 2, Insightful) 139

If you think Trump is the only crook to be in the white house your opinion is as wrong as it is immature.

I am not a Trump defender. That said, your Madonna-whore complex, and that of those like you, gives a pristine pass to anyone who isn't a Republican, or Trump.

That is counterproductive to the function of liberty. People of all stripes seek power, and with power, like corporations and the wealthy, seek to increase their power. They use those in government to achieve this, and those in government often seek to sell their influence through various means and transactions

This is a constant, regardless of party. Your hyper focus is delusional at best, and bribed at worst. Have some dignity, be a good American, and distrust all politicians.

If you don't we will certainly get more of the kind of leadership that had Obama sign into law indefinite incarceration of American citizens without trial. And people like you will pretend it didn't happen.

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