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Comment Re:Place yer bets (Score 1) 4

I just content myself with baiting conservatives. They're so divorced from reality these days, even the mildest proclamation of their future gets them frothing at the mouth.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Cantor 4

I forgot it was silly season. Mind you, it is the off-year one, the Winter Olympics to Superbowl Tuesday's buffet of awesomeness, so one really cares, including me.

Still, though, props to Brat for achieving trivia question notoriety. It's almost a shame his votes (should he actually make it to Congress) will be in line with his party waaaaaaaaaaay more often than not.

And congrats to the Democrats as well. Always nice when the other team commits an unforced error.

Submission + - Drone crashes on roof of Dallas Cowboys stadium (

garymortimer writes: A DJI Phantom Vision owner lost sight of his drone and the return to home feature kicked in. The only snag, the stadium was in the way. Its owner knows its there as he attached a GPS pet tracker for unexpected events. A different spin on the boy next door asking for his ball back.
User Journal

Journal Journal: So, which hardware for Android? 8

Thinking about jumping ship from my cheap but reliable 3GS into the android pool. I'm assuming it's all about the hardware, right? Apart from the Samsung offerings, which everybody raves about (yet I'm not a huge fan of the form factor), has anyone got any recommendations?

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