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Comment Re: There is no vaccine for the worst diseases (Score 1) 1051

Why do I get flu symptoms whenever I get the flu shot?

Because in any given year, there are multiple strains of the flu. The strain that is picked for vaccines is based on an educated guess of what the prevalent strain might be for this year. This year it looks like they were wrong when they picked the strain. This is not rocket science

Why should I allow a foreign object to penetrante my body without my consent?

If you breathe in air every day, swallow water from a water fountain, touch dirt, foreign objects are penetrating your body all the time without consent.

Are the ingredients in these vaccines safe?

Generally safe, yes. Safe for 100% of the population: no, no medication is. You are aware that every vaccine's studies are published right? Or did you even look?

Why are there no longterm studies in the effects of vaccines, if there are what are these effects on humans?

Again there are studies if you bother to look.

Where is all the money going from vaccine revenues?

Sigh. The money angle. Yes the corporations that make vaccines make some profit; however, it is far less than they would make if you were required to take them all the time. For example, the drug companies would rather have you take a daily pill like Lipitor at $50 a week than one $25 vaccine and maybe a booster in 10 years.

All these and and more need to be asked and answered. If you haven't asked this question then you are subservient and are contributing to the decline of civilization. Trust but Verify, and question everything.

I fear you haven't but are raising questions without looking for the answers,

Comment Re:There is no vaccine for the worst diseases (Score 3, Insightful) 1051

I think your "all or nothing" viewpoint is missing the actual point. Parents should have the option to choose not to give their kids aspirin or penicillin if it appears to be destructive to the child. Its not that "nobody should be allowed to use aspirin" as much as it is that each person can choose. Same with vaccines.

Except your viewpoint ignores the fact that a parent not giving a child penicillin or aspirin only affects that child. Not vaccinating affects everyone that child comes into contact with which by proxy also means the parents. Unless the family wants to withdraw from the entire world, there is not really a "safe" option then is there?

This is part of the liberal progressive hypocrisy: 1) women should be able to choose to get an abortion because they have the right to control their bodies 2) people should be forced to get a vaccine because they dont have the right to control their bodies

Again you missed the part where a woman who has an abortion is in the same room with me doesn't affect me does it? Her not getting a vaccine does affect me if we are in the same room.

Comment Re:you're all insane. (Score 2) 1051

there are most likely strong positive benefits to vaccinations in general (although to be fair, and probably to the surprise of many people, if you look at the multi-decade trend data, in theory, the declines in infection could easily be attributable to simple things like generically better hygiene. the statistical significance is far from absolute.)

So your explanation to the eradication of smallpox is not the worldwide campaign to vaccinate but "better hygiene". What about places like 3rd world countries where "better hygiene" is still a problem today? Cholera is still a problem today in India because of lack of hygiene yet smallpox is gone.

the larger problem though is not with all vaccinnes per se', but with what vaccines have become NOW, versus even 10-15 years ago. there are BIG changes that have dirty fingerprints all over them.

And what are these "dirty fingerprints" that you speak of? Vaccines are different in that medicine has changed, yes. For examples the flu vaccine has a much more manufacturing focus as tens of millions of them of a new strain has to be produced every year.

only real solution (or at least the beginning of one) would be to have truly independent studies done on the linkages between vaccinnes and any number of disease/disorders that have been very strongly linked. the more you learn about the FDA, USDA, big pharmaceutical companies, and their legal exemptions from prosecution, the money's involved.. etc, the more you realize how obvious it is that there are real dangers and risks being passed along to the unwitting public in the interests of $.

Could you be more specific in which diseases you speak of? If you are talking about austism, no less than 8 separate studies around the world could not find a link. That and the original study appears to have fabricated the data.

Comment Re:Sometimes there are reasons (Score 1) 1051

It does greatly bother me that the source of some vaccines are aborted fetuses.

And what is your exact objection here? Some of the cell lines that can be used to test vaccines may come from fetuses 40 years ago. But vaccines are not the only things they use those lines for and not all vaccines use the same lines. However, it is not the same as using fetuses to source the vaccine.

Now I will never know the events that led to nor can I fully comprehend the difficulty of such a decision that led to them becoming aborted fetuses, but that is still a life lost in my eyes and I am not comfortable in benefiting from it.

Remember the cell lines are derived from fetuses from 40 years ago; fetuses are not actually used. My best explanation is that they were discarded tissue (no owner) and the easiest to obtain. Also they are embryonic cells which may make some testing easier.

Comment Re:Lets not be lemmings here folks (Score 1) 1051

I would assume it is the same as "Vaccines have never been tested." BS that Jenny McCarthy was spewing. Someone should have called her out on that. It's one thing to say that you don't think vaccines are safe enough, it's another to deny that any testing was done before a vaccine was issued. It's not like it is hard to get the studies if you looked.

Comment Re:There is no vaccine for the worst diseases (Score 5, Insightful) 1051

Fact Check: Any medication has side effects. No medication whether it is a vaccine or aspirin works on 100.0% of the population. Vaccines are generally safe for majority of the population. Sorry if you are in the small percentage who has a bad reaction, spreading fear mongering does not help your cause.

Comment Re:Only in America... (Score 1) 71

In the case the two iPods that were qualified, Apple was able to produce receipts that showed they were purchased by a credit card owned by the law firm. The plaintiff responded that she had permission to use the cards but that's not enough. The plaintiff was not able to produce a check or receipt where she paid the law firm back for the purchase which would have helped her case.

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