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Comment Re:That ship has already sailed. (Score 1) 113

Abomination is right. All the new kids and their systemd, reinventing that which was not broken (and was still portable!)

Try doing an non-kickstart installation to see the abomination in all of its glory. Whoever does the UI at redhat should be shot out of a cannon, sufficiently that they land somewhere around the Canonical offices. I've never seen a more disjointed, confusing clusterfuck in my life, and I've used Solaris 7, Windows 8, and Suse 9

Comment Re:Every week there's a new explanation of the hia (Score 1) 465

I don't know, I tend to support whatever leads us to a more efficient use of our hydrocarbon resources as a society. I look at this as the greatest economic opportunity of our times, as it's pretty clear to me, the remaining hydrocarbons yet to be extracted would be far more beneficial to society as a strategic fuel source, and source of polymers, rather than literally burning it 'up in smoke' out of our tailpipes.

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