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Comment Re:Unintended but totally predictable consequences (Score 1) 170

No, it's not extortion.

But it absolutely is.

Using the power of government to compel someone to pay money is extortion.

If we really want to break it down, it's more like this.

Facebook/Meta was telling people "Hey, there's an article over there about this subject. If you want to know more, you can go read it.", people go to the original source (the website) to read the article, the website gets ad revenue from the visitor and everybody gets something.

Now, Facebook/Meta is like "What newspaper? I don't know about any newspapers." People aren't being referred, the website isn't generating the ad revenue and Trudeau is bitching because the reaction to his policy wasn't what he thought it would be.


Comment Unfortunate (Score 4, Interesting) 181

The Tory government policies are very unfortunate, pigheadedly ignoring basic math and reasoning. Backdoors do not work.

Several issues come to mind. Where is the City in this? I can't imagine all the financial infrastructure in the UK will be happy about weaker controls over security. What would Lloyds or Coutts say regarding government mandated backdoors?

UK has set a stronger policy of government support of the private sector with cybersecurity as well. They would be giving that up. NCSC and other governmental organizations and regulators have been remarkably effective at promoting a new path forward for the British economy. This places all their good work in jeopardy.

I must expect Labour will make hay of this as well. The Tories will be destroying good jobs. Britain cannot afford many more tech positions or firms leaving for the US or Canada.

Comment Re:please stop the hysterics (Score 0, Troll) 114

Amazing, the right-wing that always cherry-picks incidents and data to "prove" their point can't handle it when they perceive others doing the same?

You're correct but the left-wing does it as well.

Ask one if men can get pregnant and listen to what they say, especially if there's a camera around.


Comment Re:Thus spake every tyrant (Score 1) 414

And Hitler loved to paint; therefore, painting is bad, right? That's your argument.

If EVERY tyrant loved to paint, it would be worth asking why.

Hitler being a failed painter is a one off. Hitler was also a vegetarian. Their evangelists may well be annoying but they're otherwise harmless.


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