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Comment Re:If you have the opportunity (Score 0) 433

You have a Pakistani friend, nice girl.

Well, your little logic trail failed right about there. I generally don't date foreign chicks, nor outside of my race.

Nothing against them, but they don't turn me on, and I'm not attracted to them. And really, no such thing as "friends" with girls, I pretty much only hang with women I'm fucking or am trying to fuck.

Problem solved.

Comment BFDâ¦. (Score 5, Insightful) 208

Big Fucking Deal, it passes.

From what I've heard of what passed, not only does it NOT have any teeth to it, but it is written so broadly that with secret judges giving secret interpretations (even the secret judges don't consult with each other I"m led to believe), this could likely give the NSA and other TLA agencies *more* leeway to get creative in the work of crushing the US citizens' rights.

C'mon folks, no matter who is currently in office, D or R, please this time around vote for anyone other than the incumbent, and let's sweep the house and senate clean over the next couple years and start from scratch.

Comment Re:If you have the opportunity (Score 1, Insightful) 433

I can't imagine that killing off AQ leaders doesn't hurt them some, which is good.

So, keep droning them and add in other measures that even more effectively kills them, weakens them and brings them down.

There is no one single method that will eliminate them, so use all tools at your disposal.

Comment The disease spreads.... (Score 1) 389

. Mitt Romney takes advantage of loop-holes in tax laws to hide his money from US taxes by shuffling it around shell corporations in the Cayman islands. Mitt pays accountants and lawyers to set all that stuff up. The whole reason the US produces so many lawyers is to help rich people and corporations walk right up the the often fuzzy line between what is legal and what isn't.

Oh, look, it's a 'Take every chance to blame an enemy of the left whenever possible even though it's not remotely connected to the topic at hand' post. I thought these were confined to fark.com; it appears I was mistaken, and it also appears there are moderators on board. Perhaps your very own sock puppet moderators.

Comment Re:So is that a bad thing? (Score 1) 340

Because it is fucking CHEAP. The cheaper a show is to produce, the more money the producer will make (assuming the same ratings). Why would they produce quality scripted television when they can film some attention whores and make 10x the money?

But surely I'm not the ONLY viewer they lose when they do this?

Comment Re:So is that a bad thing? (Score 1) 340

They're already running Food Network, at least.

I hear ya.

I've often lamented in the past, that I remember back in the day, when MTV and VH1 actually played music.

I never thought I'd also add to that list that "I remember back when FoodTV (Network) used to actually have cooking shows.

Hell, even their spinoff network, the Cooking Channel is starting to have less and less cooking show content.


I just don't get why every fscking channel seems to migrate towards "reality" or "contest" tv.

Comment Re:Digital Domestic Abuse (Score 0) 133

It is about as ignorant as saying 'well, if I had a broken leg I would just keep walking!' It is easy to picture just walking away from an abusive relationship when one has never actually been in one.

I don't buy it.

If a normal person puts their hands on a hot stove, it hurts and they remove it quickly.

If you are being abused, you get the fuck outâ¦..if not, something is wrong with YOU>

Comment Re:Kitchen tech. (Score 1) 46


I like and started with a SMALL set of Wusthof Trident, and I've added a few that I liked, a 12" chefs knife, and a 7" Santuko (sp?).

I agree however, that it is best usually to buy separate, but a small set is good to start with, get a chefs knife, paring knife, etc.

I"m looking to maybe experiment with a nice longer carver like this: Granton Edge Carving knife, and possibly this nice Chinese vegetable cleaver.

You do often get what you pay for, these tools can last a lifetime, so buy quality..save and buy as you can.

I like my All clad stainless steel pans, I have a few great cast iron piecesâ¦and lately, my most used kitchen toy, is the Vitamix blender. Yes, a ton of money, but worth it I believe.

Just remember, you don't have to buy everything at once, save and get pieces as you can.

I figured out long ago, it was better to buy one pan that was $60 and keep it for life, rather than buy cheap pans that you threw out after a year or so and replaced. That and I don't worry about hot spots either.

As for brewing, cheap way to do brew kettles for 10 gallon all grain batches, get a grinder and cut the tops off of full sized kegs.

It helps if you can get your kegs to use from friends that have a "don't ask, don't tell" type attitude as to how they acquired them.


Comment Re:Well duh (Score 1) 477

Then there's the DRM. "That wouldn't affect you unless you are a pirate!" you say? Bullshit. .

There's an Anime series (a remake of Neon Genesis Envangelion) I would have purchased by now, except it's coded in a different region. That means I have to want to watch it enough to not only pay for the discs, but a region-free player as well. So I haven't purchased anything, when they could have had my money already for the discs.

Comment Re:Priorities? (Score 3, Insightful) 231

Rigorous testing is helpful, but I think it's the wrong approach. The problem here was lack of requirements and/or rigorous design. In the physical engineering disciplines, much effort is done to think about failure modes of designs before they are implemented. In software, for some reason, the lack of pre-implementation design and analysis is endemic. This leads to things like Heartbleed - not language choice, not tools, not lack of static testing.

I would also go as far as saying if you're relying on testing to see if your code is correct (rather than verify your expectations), you're already SOL because testing itself is meaningless if you don't know the things you have to test - which means up-front design and analysis.

That said, tools and such can help mitigate issues associated with lack of design, but the problem is more fundamental than a "coding error."

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