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Submission + - Ask Slashdot: What would you actually want in a smart watch?

TWX writes: With the hype in recent Smart Watch offerings lately, no one seems to be truly happy with what's available or the capabilities in various devices. I personally want one that acts a a central hub for 3G/4G/LTE connectivity for any other kind of device that I want to use, but manufacturers now seem to be stressing more functionality on the watch itself as opposed to a modular approach. So, what do you want in a smart watch and other wearable, personal computing?

Submission + - Former NBA Player Arrested For Stealing $14,000 Worth Of Apple Products (

redletterdave writes: Police discovered Rex Chapman, the former Kentucky Wildcats star and NBA player, had stolen over $14,000 worth of goods from an Apple Store in Scottsdale, Ariz., and offloaded the lifted items at a nearby pawn shop. Chapman was arrested Friday on nine counts of organized retail theft and five counts of trafficking stolen property. According to police, Chapman, 46, repeatedly visited the Apple Store in the Scottsdale Quarter retail center and made it seem like he was paying for items with his iPhone’s Apple Store application, which contains a self-checkout system called 'Easy Pay' so customers can buy Apple products without an employee. Chapman, however, would then leave the store without actually paying for the items, and visit a local pawn shop to exchange the goods for cash. Police said these occurrences happened over period of 'a few months.'

Comment Re:selecting the electric car buyer (Score 1) 70

Not necessarily true. Those that travel in their own vehicles for their work-day, doing service calls or other appointments, or handling jobsite work or other field work would probably exceed the range. Those that live in-town and work in agriculture or oil extraction probably would exceed the range.

You're probably still looking at the overwhelming majority being able to use the all-electric car, but don't mistake that everyone would be okay, many would not.

Comment Re:selecting an electric car (Score 1) 70

And if that couple has two cars, and if they want new cars, then it makes sense for one of those two cars to be electric.

My commute is 20 miles round-trip. My wife's is 40 miles round-trip. Nearly every type of store or business that we do regular business with is along our commutes. We could easily commute with an electric without running out of range, even if we had to go ten miles out of our way to do so, and even if we couldn't plug-in at our places of employment, though I expect that the positive press from the charging station would make that pretty likely.

Comment Re:oh wow (Score 4, Interesting) 129

Yes, melting plastic in a closed environment. Brilliant. Instead of planning for their little hobby-jump in Low Earth Orbit, let's bring a cranky, tiny toy to make coat hangers... (in free-fall LOL). I just love the armchair engineers and programmers here going on about the 3D printer will be this tool to help colonize the universe..

I never said that it would help colonize the universe.

I expect that it'll be useful when that plastic tab on that rocker switch that's used all of the time breaks off, so they an print themselves a replacement instead of waiting weeks or months for a resupply mission to bring them one, or when an astronaut realizes that a particular control stick or other device is causing skin abrasions, so they could design and print a different one that doesn't cause sores, or any of a whole set of times when a spaceman needs some small, insignificant-on-earth part that is literally worth its weight in gold because they just don't have access to it.

I could even see circumstances in an Apollo-Thirteen kind of accident where engineers at NASA could come up with a fix that's safer and more reliable than duct-taping some plastic sheeting to a bulkhead because the tech to manufacture a few parts exists with those that need those parts.

Comment Re:oh wow (Score 3, Interesting) 129

I actually don't care for this modern 3d printer hype, but this is one of the few places where I could see a 3d printer being particularly useful.

Thing is, you're melting plastic and placing that melted plastic where you want it to be. In gravity and endless atmosphere this is easy, the gravity helps feed the raw materials through a hopper and ensure that the plastic stays where you place it, and the essentially endless atmosphere carries away noxious fumes so that you don't poison yourself. Unfortunately on a space station or in a spacecraft you have no effective gravity and a very limited atmosphere, so you cannot pollute nor can you rely on gravity to make things go where you want them.

Consider the effort and design that goes into the toilet. A simple act that humans have always done on Earth is not so simple in space, and millions of dollars have been spent to account for biology designed to function with gravity assistance when that gravity is not available.

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