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Comment It is all about baseload (Score 4, Insightful) 488

You need a certain amount during the whole day, without blackout or too many brownout. The problem is that you cannot predict how much will be produced with renewable. Only conventional power allows power generation predictions. Thus only conventional is at the moment doable for baseload. There are projects to have either chemical, thermal or even physical battery (think of water reservoir put in heigth, pump up when usage is low, let fall down and generate when electricity demand is high), but all of those needs an enormous amount of investiments. Basically also you would probably need a multiple of the generation you require, to be able at least to store for "bad days" and smooth over generations. Basically this also require a huige investments. Even germany found out quite quickly that beyond a certain amount of renewable you hit limits. Ask yourself why they reverted to brown coal/lignite instead of expanding the renewable generations by a factor.


Environmental groups, for their part, have tended to sneer at the problems the utilities are having

those sneering are probably people having no fucking clue on electricity generation and usage , or even how to store energy. Probably the same groups which want to kill nuclear, while at the same time being OK with coal, despite coal releasing more radioactivity and killing an impressive number of people every year worldwide (miner as well as people suffering from various illness due to the pollutions).

Comment 3 years sound right (Score 1) 301

Personally i think such video should be private and only amde available to prosecutor/defense in case of complaint or questions, but they are not public record, but what do I know.

Anyway the police is not only intervening in *public* places, but also in *private* placves, like a house domestic dispute , among others, or maybe meeting somebody telling them somebody is making drugs at a house. How do you know which minutes of the video agent XYZ made on day DD/MMM/YYYY is in a private place or in a public one ? Or even if that mintues is betrying that person as giving up a meth lab, guys which might seek a revenge ? Answer : you do not unless you watch every second of it and prune every such segment. As such, 3 years might even be conservative considering the amount they have to watch and work on.

Comment And that's why discussiona re dumbed down (Score 1) 834

For people like you. If you had read further you would have read troll do not care about whether they harass men, women, horse, or corpse, as long as they get a rise out of somebody. But no, you stopped at a sentence out of context. And jumped into Misandry (some other might jump onto part out of context and says "i stopped reading there misogynistic troll"). And people wonder why politician use sound bites, and everything get dumbed down. people stops reading at a sentence without even trying to understand the whole.

Comment I exited the discussion (Score 5, Insightful) 834

As soon as I saw a few troll harass women, I knew it would become the number 1 issue by journalist outfit rather than the real reason of the anger. And make no mistake troll almost certainly did not care about gamer or game, but got a rise out of harassing the women, there are study of trolling and troll out there showing they do not care about their victim or the cause they "seemingly" endorse. the reality is that troll are mostly sadist personality which gets a thrill from the rise they get out of people.

But on the journalist side, it is the same as with dorritosgate. Rather than admit and try to change , or explain why some things are not corruption, they immediately JUMPED on the trolling and made it the SOLE issue. I am not into conspiracy normally, but this was a so widespread reaction, that it felts like a defense mechanism : try to move the issue to something else as to avoid discussing the main issue most people in gamersgate sees as an increasingly disturbing problem. I don't even recall know how it started this time (for me it already started with the "dorritosgate") but the fact is that there are far too many publication having a disturbing behavior incestuous with publisher or developper, and endorsement are not clearly marked often with the relationship.

I see the same behavior with the sarkeesian story : She made a statement on damsel in distress openning the discussion, then rather than ignore the troll and concentrate on the counter statement indicating where she made errors or is not going the correct way for a study, journalist and folk are concentrating SOLELY on the troll.

It is starting to be the hack of any discussion : move the thema to troll harassing women, and poof the whole discussion is dead.

Comment Re:Science fiction comes to life, again (Score 1) 176

or get two people to turn key really. 1 crazy might not make it through, but 2 crazy ? Fundementalist which think the apocalypse is to come and just want to make it come quicker ? Not so far fetched...

"Also, as I understand it, in addition to the key turn, there is additional validation of launch codes by computer nowadays."

For the longest time it was 000000000000000000000. Now we are "told" it was replaced with a computer secure code... And seeing the old machine it runs onto with 7 inches floppy, my feeling is that t is not a 16384 symmetrical key but something far simpler.

Comment No this is the second step (Score 1) 330

The first step is to try and find an effect, even in your own backyard. Once you did, the second step as a further study, is to try to falsify it by using different source to try to reproduce the effect when you do not expect it, or to try to NOT reproduce the effect when you DO expect it. You are putting the cart before the horse. Now I expect further study of the two kinds I mentionned above, rightfully putting the cart behind the horse's ass.

Comment Medical personal (Score 1) 294

"why would such travel restrictions still cause delays in treating the outbreak, exactly?"

because the crushing majority of people helping in Africa coming from US or europe voluntary up to now are actually civilian. You do not want to put in difficulty to bring in medical personal and materials to where it is eneded. Furthermore travel ban would cause more chaos by making people less traceable. Because people WILL find alternative. Alternative for which we may have no tracing.

Comment By that measure (Score 1) 179

They could limit you to 1 byte per second at cap, and still not be lying. Do you really believe that ? Furthermore unlimited data use the assumption is that no speed throttling will happen (beside the announced sped). if you DO throttle speed, then essentially you are simply throttling the max data. Remmember speed*time=max amount transferable. 100K.s-1 is max 361 Mb.h is 8G.day. It is a limitation they impose which is LOWER than what you can expect had they not limited your speed. This is de facto 15 time lower than the max transfert you could expect if you were left at 1.5 Mb.s-1. You announce an unlimited data plan, only to limit the maximum data which you allow to transfert (again , remember max data=speed*time, so by imposing a lower speed, you limit the max transfert, and cannot pretend to have an unlimited data plan).

Comment This has to do with reasoning (Score 1) 553

This rarely anything to do with criticizing anybody. This is about taking known facts as basis, the known rules of the model of the world you have, and use for example inference reasonning to see what to do with news facts (it is actually vaster than that , see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C...).

An example on how this is NOT employed, see the recent cold fusion article on slashdot. Most of the psot were "gushing" over rossi's stuff. But a bit of critical thinking and information digging would have revealed a lot of red lights to this story.

In my experience with your average person, and with student I taught in university, critical thinking is a rare skill (please do not confuse it with cynism). We are all taught in our young age to just "learn and shut up" and get told that we'll learn why the world work so "later". So people lose their critical thinking skills and just do what they are told. This is why all religion is taught to children by the way. They do not have this critical thinking skills yet, or it can easily be killed off by parental authority. If religion were really true, then they would not need to catch children young, rather than wait that they are adult for such decision. Sure they'll shield it in a shimmer of saving them while they are young, but the effect in the end is the same.

The bottom line is that this is something which should be nurtured, taught, and shown in evry small school. The rote learning we got instead is toxic. It etaches you to learn without criticizing or thinking.

Comment don't worry (Score 1) 720

I used those a total of two time. Most of the time they are out of order. The only two time I used them, I saw customer in the queue being worked *quicker* than my order. In fact if I had stayed in the queue it would have taken half the time ton fulfill my order. A nephew of my colleague which works there told me they itnentionally are sabotaging this because they "know" (despite promise of McD not to fire people) that they this will be used to reduce the work force. So chance is that your order will be ignored to the maximum of time they can ignore it.

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