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Comment Re:Yet another creeping power grab (Score 1) 348

You appear to be misinformed.

This is IN NO WAY "mission creep".

This is merely a case of "hidden agenda" - it was ALWAYS about Copyright Violations, for the simple and extremely obvious reason that THERE'S NO DIRECT FINANCIAL PROFIT TO BE MADE FROM PREVENTING CHILD PORNOGRAPHY OR CHILD ABUSE.

Seriously folks, follow the money.

Comment Sweet Sweet Cherries (Score 1) 237

The term "cherry picking" relates to selecting a small sample of data which proves your point.

All this study has proved is that AT THIS SITE fracking HAS NOT YET produced contamination of the water-table.

The problem is that The Industry will now point to this SAMPLE OF ONE as proof that "fracking is non-polluting" and therefore needs to be LEGISLATED as "not requiring environmental evaluation, not requiring pollution checks, and generally ignoring concerned scientists/enrivonmentalists/local people dying from(or concerned about dying from) industrial pollution.

Comment If they outlaw encryption ... (Score 2) 353

Then only outlaws will have encryption.

Of course, OUTLAWING it would incur a MASSIVE backlash from the population (insert legal challenge here).

By denying encryption FINANCIALLY, you achieve the same thing with SIGNIFICANTLY less opportunity for a legal challenge.

As Paul once said "He who can destroy a thing, controls that thing."

Comment There IS no controversy (Score 1) 67

The simple fact is that some people STILL believe The Earth Is Flat. Just like some people believe that a Fibre-to-the-home National Broadband Network is A Bad Thing.

Sure it's a huge bucket of money.
Sure there needs to be oversight, to ensure the money is well spent not just pork-barrelled.
Sure, you *could* achieve some (but only a little) of that by being (slightly) cheaper.

The bottom line is that the VAST overwhelming MAJORITY of backlash against the NBN has been spearheaded by The Opposition - People who (as in America) OPPOSE things for no reason other than it was somebody elses idea, therefore Ahm Agin' it!

Comment Re:Firsthand experience with surface stimulation (Score 1) 311

for a split second I saw some sort of bright thunderbolt approach from the left and sweep all the stuff away. It felt like a relief somehow but I'm not sure WTF I was seeing.

Probably $DEITY (insert appropriate value according to what you truly worship, in the deepest and most secret depths of who you really are)

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