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Comment Re:Here's how to secure your "Internet of things" (Score 2) 106

Additionally, they should be on an isolated internal network, wired whenever possible. A server or appliance in your house can manage said "things". Every single vendor who supplies you with 'things" shouldn't force you to use their (likely vulnerable) web portal or service, just supply some drivers/documentation, and part ways.

Comment Re:I went back to corporate America because Obamac (Score 4, Insightful) 578

The government doesn't set prices for procedures. The fed could extend the medicare pricing list to everyone instead of having to deal with each insurance company's "negotiated pricing" and arcane "most favored nation" contract rules. Or maybe employers could be required to offer up the cash that would have been spent on the company health plan so you can shop for yourself. Shopping for insurance across state lines would certainly be nice! Also, repealing state regulations that limit the size/capacity of hospitals.

My HSA should stay that way, if it's my money, no one should be able to take it but me! ...Actually, I wish my HSA could be grown and used as some kind of bond-like health insurance that also lowers my own premiums over time.

There are lots of political problems that could be fixed without repealing the ACA. 99% of it is removing greed, the #1 killer in America.

Comment Re:This will help the Occulus Rift A LOT!!! (Score 1) 125

I have to say, this is a strange issue I have (err...had) with my rift. Many of the demos using the latest sdk make me sick (I don't think I have my IPD quite right?) Vireio makes me sick, quickly, no matter what. But the Tridef beta rift drivers are a DREAM...and there's no real IPD setting, it's weird. Suddenly, I'm VR "hardened" - though the headtracking support doesn't emulate trackir the way I wish.

My point is, it's different for everyone - for sure. But there's a lot of things to tweak, preferably on an empty stomach.

Comment Re:Really?!? (Score 1) 1448

Not sure how you figure it's the *state* making money on this. Actually, it's the Prison/Industrial complex making all the money. Even with the kids.

Q: Exactly where do you think state employees/reps go to (and come from)?

A: The private sector that's gaining from these policies. They're practically one in the same.

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