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Comment Smash It! (Score 1) 143

Yep, that's right: smash it to little pieces, videoing the entire action .. and then post it to Youtube.

Wait and see which government agency comes whining around trying to arrest you for destruction of government property.

Remember this?

Of course now _I_ am open to charges of conspiracy to destroy government property, interfering with police actions, and who knows what else?

[fingers monitors]

Comment Candidate For Shooting (Score 0) 564

The dumbass at Microsoft who first came up with the idea of dropping the file extension. 'Oh, well, our users are really much too naive and unsophisticated to ever understand what file types are. It will just confuse them!"

Yeah, right. And by default? Godz .. that exceeds stupid and starts to move into criminal.

Comment Re:Take your space (Score 1) 290

I'm a fairly large person as well, so I have no problems whatsoever in stopping, holding my ground, and letting the oblivious asses walk into ME! They usually look quite irritated (although they seldom dare to get angry with me, what with the size and all).

I'm usually very polite, but these asses are pushing the limits. So I just won't take it any more.

Comment Re:"The history of the domain is well documented" (Score 1) 72

Because I for one hadn't read the full story. It's good to be reminded that (1) there are thieving lying scumbags out there, (2) there always will be. I'm also personally pleased to see the victim continue to screw with this particular scumbag's life, forever and ever, ad infinitum.

Everyone needs a hobby, right?

Comment Audio Via Ethernet (Score 1) 418

Riiii-ight. Well, I do like my music bits and bytes nice and shiny and orderly.

Except I don't know how good these things could possibly be. I mean, they aren't even gold plated! Didn't we learn from NASA: everything headed for outer space must be gold plated?

They _are_ speccing these cables for the ISS, aren't they?

Comment Submitted (Score 1) 217

Well, I've sent in my complaint .. for what it's worth.

" Do not, repeat, DO NOT open up cell phones to telemarketing or any other dialing scam. While you're at it, put teeth into the current telemarketing scams, fake caller IDs, and all the rest. You KNOW what's going you; you just need to find the balls to do something about it. "

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"I've got some amyls. We could either party later or, like, start his heart." -- "Cheech and Chong's Next Movie"
