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Comment Re:Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong! (Score 1) 182

Sea level is not constant or consistent across the SAME body of water. This is due to gravitational, rotational and current effects. Virtually all of the islands in the south pacific AND the north and west of Australia has been experiencing significant sea level rise. To suggest they're all simply sinking is completely ignorant of the facts. And note that some are ALSO sinking as well, it's not mutually exclusive.

Comment Re:Snowden is not a "whistleblower" (Score 1) 519

There is a process to follow. Releasing classified information and then running to Russia is not in the procedures.

We've been over this. Binney followed the process. Drake followed the process. Wiebe followed the process. They were persecuted for their trouble. Snowden knew this and knew better. He did EXACTLY the right thing given the circumstances. Tyranny always comes waving the flag.

Comment More CYA (Score 1) 136

They're worried that at the next incident they'll get blamed and then dismantled because they failed to prevent it. The solution-- throw even more technology and data collection at the problem-- technology and enough data can fix anything, don't you know?. And then when they get called up to testify before Congress why they weren't able to prevent it, it won't be because they didn't collect the right data. Of course, it'll be because they had so much data they couldn't make useful sense of it, but that's another story (technology can fix that too, can't it?).

Comment Gotta hand it to him... (Score 5, Insightful) 519

Traitor or not, he Pwned their ass. The NSA look like complete idiots, and continue to do so, and Snowden has shown them up at every turn. Remind me what we are paying billions of dollars for again? Whether or not you can lock up Snowden, the NSA needs its plug pulled for utter incompetence.

Comment Re:Total surveillance (Score 1) 389

Setting up the infrastructure for a total surveillance state is simply beyond the pale. What Snowden has done is what any true American should have done. The machine that government is setting up must be stopped dead in its tracks while there is still time, or there will be no stopping it. And there will be no United States of America after that, only a spot on the map infringing a trademark. Snowden is a true patriot.

Yes, the security infrastructure justifies their actions to themselves like this:

if we do too little and an incident happens, we get blamed for it

If we do too much, and we can keep it secret, no one's the wiser

if we do whatever we can get away with, we may be able to keep an incident from happening

If we do too much and an incident happens anyway, we may be able to still keep our jobs if it doesn't look like we did too little

So it's pretty obvious what they are going to do. And what it means is, THEY NEED BETTER OVERSIGHT. They shouldn't be left to decide this for themselves.

A Church Comittee -like inquiry every few decades once sufficient leaks occur is not a very good mechanism for oversight, but it appears to be the only one we have.

Comment Re:But he did do it for his own gain (Score 1) 389

If he had done it anonymously, all the journalists who accepted the documents would be under extreme pressure to reveal who it was, likely to the point some of them would be jailed and prosecuted. Snowden saved them that trouble, so we could all focus on the documents and not on punishing the messengers.

Comment Re:Streisand Effect (Score 1) 566

I tried it once. Secured a thumb drive with it. I then proceeded to forget the pass phrase almost immediately, making it useless. Fortunately it was just a test so I didn't lose any data but I figured that for me the risk of the data going inaccessible outweighed any real need to encrypt anything. And it's hard enough to keep old drives operational and find stuff on them without having to remember what some old encryption password is-- unless I stick a written note right on the drive.

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