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Comment interesting...similiar to being in context... (Score 1) 220

whether or not it's true or false, any emitting device needs to be closely monitored and studied. We often hear of these kinds of reports but before we start band-wagon'ing this issue either for or against - let the peer community scientists do their due diligence and hash this out with peer reviews. A good scientist is always critical of their own work. If it's true, then we need to decide how to resolve it - if not, we can file it under a 'misdiagnosis of results.'

I mean, its not like its causing strange growths to appear on my thigh or to sterilize me.

Comment Re:Any lawyers in the house? (Score 4, Interesting) 293

GooberToo - As a unbiased Canadian, you have no idea how right-winged your comments sound. I'm sorry, in order for your point to be valid - this "deleted information" and "interference" would have to come from a crime after conviction. Is there a conviction we don't know about? Apart from the Private who handed over the documents (and who's charges have yet to be proved in court), what are you're referring to? Has Assange been charged by a US District court, found guilty 'in absentia'? Is there something the rest of the civilized world do not know?

Isn't your first amendment is a foundation and a pillar of democracy? (which a lot of countries view as a model for modern societies). This judge, BTW if you actually did your homework, is a republican who has more ties to the past Bush administration than Halliburton oil-blow-off valve for off-shore drilling rigs.

The prosecution found a judge who would ignore the constitution to rubber stamp what ever they needed.

It's a sad day for US democracy - I'm sorry to say it, but isn't the USA suppose to be a model of democracy? Why is the USA appearing more and more like a totalitarian regime?

Comment that is what happens... (Score 4, Insightful) 322

...when you have the best search engine, tied to the best internet ad support, tied to great free thought-provoking-industry changing office products, map tools, tool bars for your browser, chat tools, phone tools, and it all comes from ONE company. What else can you do when everyone is watching every move, ever senior management comment, every action?

Then again, it does beg to ask, is this typical media bullsheit with typical negative stories that are solely geared towards making money rather than a balanced approach to news reporting? When does the news cross the line when it starts focusing on areas that it's owners have a vested interest in ensuring their 'enemy' is bashed at every opportunity? Is this really a sponge-worthy story?

Comment What? (Score 1) 156

Marketing hype? maybe...

Warner Media Rep: Do not try and create a movie. That's impossible. Instead only try to realize the truth.
News Reporter: What truth?
Warner Media Rep: There is no new Matrix movie.
News Reporter: There is no new Matrix movie?
Warner Boy: Then you'll see that it's not the movie with Keanu that appears, it is only Neo himself.

Comment Is this new news? (Score 1) 306

A study that links mental health with addiction? Really? I thought that a large percentage of addicts are people with mental health issues, regardless of their addiction? If you're drug is video games, then how different is that from any other? It can change your personality, it can wreck your family and social life. And it can also cause health issues. I know, cause I'm a former gaming addict that used gaming to battle depression. As an addiction, it's dangerous because when compared to drugs, it's almost benign other than taking up your time which also makes it just as dangerous as other serious substances.

Comment Is the BSA figures with this BS? (Score 1) 90

We all know how reliable the Business Software Alliance and IDC's piracy figures are... in fact, according to The Economist they're totally BS. So why would China even believe its an issue to the point where they'll agree to IP agreements that are nothing more than protectionists movements by companies to make more money? Or is it lawyers trying to prove their worth in a company making an issue out of something they really have absolutely no control over? Can you really stop companies from underlicensing products by scaring them into going legit through government laws?

When I see this, I roll my eyes and keep on thinking what total BS all these laws really are. I mean, if I make a copy Windows 2008 SP2, I could go to jail for 5 years with a $250,000 fine. If I kill my neighbour with a crowbar in a fight, I could get a year or two sentence in jail. Is it me, or is something not quite right about this?

Comment which evil do you turn to? (Score 1) 110

I whole agree with the article in it's entirety. As a former CSO and retired military, most organizations don't take us seriously until you point out a few social engineering hack attempts. How I implemented security wasn't snake oil, as it was the design of the entire team IT. Our honey-pots were a great tool for finding out what hackers are after, but the 'paid' crackers are we were most scared of - not companies selling us fake products. It's up to IT staff to effectively evaluate any product or service to our organization, not some sleazy sales moron who's selling us fake stuff.

Lets face it - most companies can become complacent quite easily unless something happens to change their perception of IT security. For me, it was a simple and cheap $5000 test and the data I came up with scared the CEO and VP's out of pants. The article author also didn't mention that IT security is something ALL us IT geeks are continually thinking about... Just a thought.

The Effect of Snake Oil Security 110

Trailrunner7 writes "Threatpost has a guest column by Robert Hansen (aka Rsnake) about the long-term effects of snake-oil security products. 'I've talked about this a few times over the years during various presentations but I wanted to document it here as well. It's a concept that I've been wrestling with for 7+ years and I don't think I've made any headway in convincing anyone, beyond a few head nods. Bad security isn't just bad because it allows you to be exploited. It's also a long term cost center. But more interestingly, even the most worthless security tools can be proven to "work" if you look at the numbers.'"

Submission + - 13 Unlucky Reasons Why Zaptunes is Bollocks (

Mr.Fork writes: "From Torrentfreak:
"For those keen to avoid raping and pillaging music from the nearest torrent site, a one-stop shop where unlimited DRM-free music can be bought for next to nothing must be a great attraction. Zaptunes, a new site advertising just that, has been making headlines this week. Trouble is, everything about it is a scam.""

Star Wars Prequels

How To Make Authentic Lightsabers 128

IQpierce writes "My good friend Bradley W. Lewis has set up a site for his hobby: building replica lightsabers at home. These aren't your average cheap pieces of plastic, in fact they're more authentic than the Master Replica sabers: Brad tracks down the pieces of equipment actually used to build the original props — or, when they're unavailable, very close replicas, that he further customizes with a metal lathe in his garage — and puts them together with loving attention. My favorite part is the embellishments he does add, on the inside of the saber — his replica of Luke's saber from ANH can be opened to see authentic-looking internals such as a glowing crystal (as well as another surprise — an autograph from Luke himself, Mark Hamill). Each project is documented step-by-step with hundreds of photos — whether you're a hobbyist, or just a big Star Wars geek like me, you'll find it interesting."

Canadian Cannabis Car 120

sykobabul writes "The CBC is reporting: 'An electric car made of hemp is being developed by a group of Canadian companies in collaboration with an Alberta Crown corporation. The Kestrel will be prototyped and tested later in August by Calgary-based Motive Industries Inc., a vehicle development firm focused on advanced materials and technologies, the company announced.' Leave it to us Canadians to come up with all sorts of uses for cannabis."

Darth Vader Robs Long Island Bank 190

Apparently the destruction of the second Death Star has stretched the Galactic Empire's coffers so thin that Lord Vader himself is robbing banks. From the article: "Impotent Rebel Alliance security forces tell Newsday (paywall) that Vader marched into a Chase bank in Setauket around 11:30 a.m. today. Brandishing a completely unnecessary handgun — as he had the power to choke the oxygen out every teller's throat — the fallen Jedi demanded cash."

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