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Comment Re:Is the smartwatch fad stillborn? (Score 1) 60

Instead what we have seen is sales continuously increasing year after year.

There might be people that haven't got one yet.

It's also possible (though not as certain as you think) that the site visitor stats are skewed - perhaps things on those sites aren't suitable for tablets - anything involving heavy data entry, for example.

On what grounds can you say they're not a typical use case?

Comment Re:Summarry is misleading... (Score 1) 166

It works like this:
Detector: Object in front!
Brakes: Engaging!

Not like this:
Detector: Object in front at 12:25
Brakes: It's only 12:23, no rush.

Only an idiot would design it like the latter. Only an imbecile would assume it's designed like that and write an article about it.

Comment Re:Ergo! (Score 1) 452

3.11 was installed on the department computers when I was a student. Crash-happy bag of arse. For the stuff I needed to do I used to boot them into dos. My flatmate had an Atari that was rock solid. And easier to use.

P.S. Your userid is roughly double mine, so don't play the greybeard with me.

Comment Re:I choose MS SQL Server (Score 2) 320

It also, quite amusingly doesn't come pre tuned to handle Oracle databases.

It's possible that your usage is atypical. It's also possible that Oracle are happy to charge you 2k bucks a consultant-day for "customisation".

Let's balance the hypotheticals with some actuals. One, Larry likes yachts. Two, yachts don't buy themselves.

Comment Re:You're doing it wrong. (Score 1) 166

Even that's a relative2s, a delta; the difference between when the vehicle in front passes a marker and when you do.

It doesn't matter whether those seconds start at 09:35:27 or 23:59:59[1].

[1] If your software's written right. I've seen supposed one minute delay loops that would run forever if midnight fell in the interval.

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