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Comment Re:I wrote my whole BBS package in BASIC (Score 1) 146

There was a POKE you could use on the CoCo2 (and some versions of the CoCo1) that would switch to a character palette that displayed the lowercase characters as such.

I recall having a driver that let you use the "hi-res" (256x192! Look out!) mode as the console, so you got more space, but more importantly could mix graphics and text quite easily. If your friend was responsible for that thing and you're still in touch with him, please thank him for me, because that thing rocked.

Comment Re:It's not trending. (Score 1) 371

I smashed a couple windows on a vacant house in my neighborhood when I was 9. I did get caught, caught holy hell for it from my parents, and had to make restitution. It was 40 dollars at the time, but to a 9 year old in 1976, 5 dollars was a fortune. 40 was like grown-up money. I learned a good lesson on "other people's things".

I wished I could give you insight on that mentality, even though I was the one who did it. I remember doing it, I remember getting caught doing it, I remember working for the money to pay for it, but I have no recollection whatsoever on WHY I did it.

Comment Re:Also Oakland (Score 1) 319

Well, your argument so far has been little more than "State bad" which has nothing to do with the specific topic of renting homes. It's difficult to make ANY sort of counter-argument to that. So, consumer protection laws are good, so "State not bad?" How are we to divine from your current stated position where you draw the line?

Comment Re:Oh, it's on SyFy? (Score 1) 167

I'm just double checking: You did know I was being sarcastic? Text isn't the best medium for that many times, but I couldn't help myself.

I don't get the whole nerd stratification anyway. I play Borderlands 2 (A "bro" game, as someone else called it, huh? Well, it's still fun.) regularly with an astrophysicist and her seismologist husband, etched my first printed circuit board at age 12, hacked on code that talks to spacecraft on Mars, written (admittedly kind of crappy) videogames, and done all manner of tech projects just for kicks. If anyone wants to question my nerd cred, let them. I do what I like; I couldn't give 2 shits what other people think.

Comment Re:It's a great gag (Score 1) 9

Also, this: "The coordinates:When the coordinates are added to the fact that the photoâ(TM)s exif data does not match the Google coordinates or any other coordinates for Diego Garcia that are posted online, but is still within the boundaries of Diego Garcia, it proves that no one just pulled those coordinates off the web. It helps confirm that this was not just a hoax because the coordinates are exact to wherever on Diego Garcia the Iphone was when it took the photo."

Unless you're past day 2 of an "introduction to GIS" class, in which case, getting the lat and lon of any place in the world, not just "published" coordinates, is a trivial task. Really, the new Google Maps make this too easy.... Look!

Check those URLs...It's SO hard to get lat and lons for Diego Garcia.

Then this: "Exif canâ(TM)t be rewritten with common software, it can only be added to in fields such as image credits with some advanced applications. It can be erased as well but NOT CHANGED. Photos with the exif intact will hold up in court. If the Exif is hacked and this is not real, the CIA or a really good hacker did this, which I doubt, Iâ(TM)d say itâ(TM)s probably real."

I don't have to go into why this is ludicrous with this crowd, do I? The only claim I'm not sure about is intact EXIF holding up in court. I hope to hell not, but I've seen dumber things.

Comment Re:What the hell is wrong with some people? (Score 1) 266

If it makes you feel any better, my first reaction on seeing this was "Hmm, let me read the comments and see if anyone has a fix or workaround, and if not, hell, I'm sitting around in hospital bored out of my mind. I'm not familiar with the Xorg code tree, but this would be a great thing to spend a weekend to get my feet wet." I'd like to think that there were at least a few of us out here in the same place (well, maybe not the hospital part ;-)), leaving chuckleheads to post before the people who rolled up their shirtsleeves could say anything. In 2014 I don't consider /. to be quite the locus is used to be for open source developers it once was, but there's still a bunch here.

Glad to see there is a fix that might work already.

Comment Re:Space travel (Score 1) 357

Yes, we don't know how to get to 300 km/s now.

Actually we have a pretty good notion how to do 300km/s and even faster, but when we have manned space programs that regularly have to beat the sofa cushions for change to keep afloat, the cost needed to fully develop something like that is so far out of whack with reality that you might as well wish for magic aliens to whisk you away because the odds are about the same.

Comment You think Jeb would win? (Score 1) 35

Unless the Republicans start doing some coalescing like right NOW and get behind that, I think absent a significant event between now and November 2016, Hillary's odds look very good.

The Republicans will not get a president again until their primaries are more than "who can rush to the right the fastest?" The winner of that will have to choke on their own words in the general election and the swing voters who actually decide elections won't like the things said to garner the nomination nor the backpedaling to appear more middle-of-the-road once the nomination is sewn up.

What are they going to after Hillary about? Bengazi? The numbers show that didn't affect her approval at all: hardly anybody who railed on about that is anyone that up to that point would've voted for her anyway. Lewinski? Ancient history. Yes, let's remind the voters of the late 1990s when the economy was good and the federal budget even got balanced once or twice. Whitewater? Almost as much time between now and then as elapsed between Mossadegh's ouster and the Iran hostage crisis and practically nobody saw that connection. In the average American voter's mind, those stories might as well be written on papyrus in cuneiform.

And no, I'm not a Hillary supporter. Just a member of the reality-based community. :-)

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