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Comment Shadow bans (Score 1) 474

The shadow ban was innovative when I first saw it done on a Minitel network in 1993, today it's nothing new and very effective when used sparingly. (It was called "isolation" back then)

Sparingly is the key word, moderators don't seem to understand the concept of moderation lately. In-fact, I actually think moderators encourage trolling by being heavy handed.

Comment Re:$120 buys a lot of music (Score 1) 260

At the end of the month, I still have that $10 CD or those 10 MP3's, which means I have some value in my collection.

Granted, it's not much, if I sold all my CD's I doubt I would get enough to pay for a year of music streaming, but at least I can loan them out, give them away or just play them wherever I want, online or offline.

Comment Re:Not recruitment, retention (Score 1) 260

No, it's the same mechanism; just think of the third-party developers as "your" employees (share-cropping is quite an apt comparison). If they write their cool apps in a language only your platform uses, they are much less likely to port it to other platforms. You get more "exclusive" content, and your share-croppers/valuable partners are less able to leave for better terms elsewhere.

Comment $120 buys a lot of music (Score 2) 260

Let's assume that Apple isn't going $14.99/mo and it's going to be the usual $9.99 /mo. $120 a year is a decent amount of money to spend on music, if you want to take the time to buy it.

Imagine a family of where 2 adults both spend $10/mo, heck, $240 a year? That can buy you over 200 tracks a year, that you will get to keep. If you want to save more, buy used CD's and rip them.

You already have tons of music ripped, everyone does, do you really think you're going to spend $120 a year on new singles?

Comment Re:Kind of half-assed... (Score 4, Insightful) 180

Apart from the pretty colors, it's pretty badly designed. There's only the one video explaining why it's bad, no text, no in-depth analysis, no outside opinions, no nothing. There isn't even (that I could find) a link to the text of the TPP.

Even members of the US Congress only get extremely limited access to the text of the TPP:

Only members of the House and Senate are currently allowed to view the text of the deal, and even they are forbidden from discussing what it contains. As a new report from Politico published Monday details, "If you’re a member who wants to read the text, you’ve got to go to a room in the basement of the Capitol Visitor Center and be handed it one section at a time, watched over as you read, and forced to hand over any notes you make before leaving."

You basically have to be a negotiator or a representative of large business interests to get full access. Some chapters (5 out of 31) of the text have been made available via Wikileaks until now.

Anyone know and want to elaborate on what this TPP is?

The best, and definitely the most enjoyable, primer on the potential for abuse of the TPP (based on abuse of previously negotiated similar trade agreements) and the underhanded way it's being negotiated, is probably John Oliver's segment on it.

Submission + - Diphtheria returns to Europe for lack of vaccination

TuringTest writes: A six-year-old child was admitted to a hospital in Barcelona and diagnosed with diphtheria, which didn't occur in Spain since 1986 and was largely unheard of in western Europe. The boy had not been vaccinated despite the vaccine being avaliable in free vaccination programmes

Spanish general health secretary called anti-vaccination campaigns “irresponsible" and said: "The right to vaccination is for children, not for the parents to decide".

The child is in critical condition, though he's now being treated with a serum expressly brought from Russia through an emergency procedure.

Comment Re:Eh... (Score 1) 108

Many people don't use mods and never play on servers. Of course, you don't meet them online, so it's not strange you'd get the impression they aren't out there.

To me the fun is designing and building stuff. Having other people around is mostly a distraction. If there's anything I'd like it's a more consistent challenge; better zombie and villager AI, for instance, to make larger structures meaningful.

Comment Re:Those of you who are? (Score 1) 156

I appreciate software is different than engineering, but the collaboration, mentoring, and comorodory of an open office environment really helps build the business for us. While I do have an office

You like the open office environment, although you have your own office... how nice. Open offices are really nice as long as it is someone else dealing with being packed in like cattle.

Comment No need (Score 1) 692

Living longer won't mean you have more kids. So far the trend has if anything been the reverse.

And "reverse aging" != "live forever". There's still plenty of non-age-related things that can, and eventually will, kill you. In fact, if "reversing aging" does not include "cure cancer" the overall effect on average lifespans will not be particularly large at all.

I suspect this is a complete non-problem.

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