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Comment Re:Personal blog (Score 2) 202

They are terrified, because it would mean more work for them and less advancement of the linux graphics stack. Having three display servers ( Xorg, Wayland, Mir) increases the amount of code paths everything and everyone has to deal with.

Its not trivial as Robert suggested, and more importantly, it doesn't increase Robert's workload.

If there is one thing that's really annoying, its someone telling you how easy your really difficult job is. So I understand the frustration apparent in the kde blogs.

Comment Re:easy. (Score 1) 46

Of course, that's a BS answer. Its not like Debian is the only distro that "Tests". You might as well say its a better operating system because it has "Codes". Or "uses a cpu". Its bland, non-descriptive and utterly useless as a comment.

Its not like debian users are the only ones guilty of this kind of worthless praise. So, I'm not beating up on debian users, just everyone who makes similar statements.

Comment Re:Is it time to hand in my geek card? (Score 1) 140

Yeah, way out of the loop. Maybe wayland is the latest craze, bue Enlightenment is old school. It was for a long time the year of the linux desktop hope. People here used to call linux desktops ugly. Then someone would chime in about how beautiful enlightenment was. So its kind of burned into the linux desktop nerd's memory.

Wayland has been discussed for at lest 4-5 years now.

Comment Re:This is about ARM 64 bit Servers (Score 2) 147

Responding to my own post. Mark explained himself on Google plus (can't link to it directly but look for Jon Masters post about annoying a billionaire) :

"SBSA did not specify ACPI or any other crapware, and we were happy to support a standards-based approach. I think it's a poor effort if we can't achieve the goal of standards in a more modern, secure, open way."

So it appears that he supported one standardization effort, but it didn't specify ACPI. I don't know what the truth is as the relevant documents aren't public. Mark also claims that he did propose an alternative approach that would still allow a single kernel but not ACPI. Not sure how specific it was, or if it was anything beyond " Lets have the kernel guys do it!".

Comment Re:This is about ARM 64 bit Servers (Score 1) 147

Yes, there are many fears of what a government could do to gain access. There is no way to avoid it currently. Saying ACPI has the potential for problems doesn't add anything new to the conversation that's been going on for years.

I'm guessing someone just informed him what his company agreed to, or he's gone a bit crazy.

Comment This is about ARM 64 bit Servers (Score 3, Informative) 147

Its already been decided by the industry that its going to be ACPI.

And Canonical helped desgin it... with ACPI in it


So I don't understand why Mark is suddenly against it. Sudden change of heart leading Ubuntu to be non compatible with other linux operating systems? Again? I don't get it.

Comment Re:There is a goose to that gander (Score 1) 295

Well, yeah thats the way it is for the majority of schools. There are obviously some situations where that is not the case, like Chicago, where the mayor runs the schools. Or my school district when I was growing up, where we were being run by a federal judge due to decades of separate and very unequal education by race.

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