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Comment Re:Why Facebook or Google? (Score 3, Interesting) 116

Cause the NSA ain't providing code, bandwidth, or servers to scale the system to millions of users. Google and Facebook have the knowledge and resources to actually do it, if they want.

But yeah, its a pretty dumb hope. They don't want you to have any anonymity as it is.

I think it would be cool if some one were to design a cryptocurrency wherein the proof of work was somehow related to the number of connections proxies. So mining would actually be providing anonymity to those who needed it and their would be an incentive to provide service. However that trick of providing indisputable proof of work, while not reveling the traffic or inbound/outbound connections might be a bit tricky to get right.

Comment Re:Thank GOD (Score 1) 96

Maybe because its a a combo of a chip design pivot that saved the company, much like this might do if its successful.

Back in the day AMD was KILLING intel with the amd64 design in price/performance over the Pentium 4 line. Intel scraped that design and went back to Pentium M, the mobile version of the Pentium 3. It called it the core duo/solo. So "core M" makes a lot of sense. A piviot to meet a competitor ( this time ARM ).

Comment No java in Russia? (Score 4, Funny) 254

Those luck bastards!

If we wanted to punish them, we'd make JAVA usage manditory. JAVA Desktops for everyone! JAVA ME phones only! and Java Jackpot. Who the hell knows what the point of Jackpot was, but starting now every Mother and child in Russia must figure it out, and use it!

Comment Re:Why is that scary? (Score 1) 371

Its scary because FORMULA TRANSLATION involves formulas, which implies Math. Why, you'd have to be some kind of super genius to understand it. With all of the algebra and limited use of mathematical symbols instead of plain English. Not like nice cobol that spells everything out for you, why even a business analyst can understand it!

Comment Re:Typical great government idea (Score 1) 118

Typical CIA Front story. This isn't something they *could* do, its something they don't need to do because they've already gained access to the servers distributing the zero days. But by announcing a plan to go through the front door, they're hoping the miscreants wont realize they already broke in through the window out back.

Comment Re:Why? (Score 1) 132

I think that means you haven't seen enough PDFS. Adobe makes heavy use of proprietary add ons that only work with Adobe products. Then there are all the security vulnerabilities they can contain.

PDFS are great for internal use, if you create them and you consume them. Dealing with those made by random people kind of sucks. Sometimes you get a pdf that's just composed of images for each page. So no text extraction is possible.

I'm not recommending any libraries for the original poster, because they all suck in their own ways and none of them do everything necessary. Without knowing what the pdfs are he's dealing with, its tough to really recommend anything.

Comment Re:So.. what? (Score 0) 255

Wind farms around here are in farmers fields. Most of the land is used for farming, The turbines don't interfere much with the crops. Ugly is subjective and a stupid qualification for energy production.

How beautiful are coal mines? Uranium Mines? Oil Fields? Is aesthetic beauty that rational of a criteria to select energy sources?

Comment Re:$100 Billion in cash solves a lot of problems (Score 1) 151

Yeah, Danger. They had the company that formed Android, but then lost almost everyone that really mattered who went off and formed Android. They didn't think they could do it with Microsoft. Those that stayed made KIN. Which wasn't a bad feature phone, but was conceived while windows mobile 6.5 was dying off and windows phone 7 hadn't been launched. It was killed for being late ( not its fault) and for not being windows enough ( not its fault).

Comment Re:dear facebook (Score 1) 114

Wish I could have a magnetic bracelet. But then people would think of me as someone who believes it has magical powers.

I just have a faint suspicion that I might end up in a situation where I need to macgyver a solution that may require a magnet of some kind to disable a bomb.

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