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Comment Re:This is so 1990s (Score 1) 132

Exactly! Without viewing the diffs, how would you know which config to choose? I don't want updates overwriting any of my custom configs. Then you have to spend time setting things back the way you want. By showing the diffs, you get to chosse to keep your config pr let the update re-set it.

Comment And all this after we have paid them to do it... (Score 5, Informative) 129

AT&T has already been given Billions of dollars in tax incentives to deliver fiber optic cable based internet to your house.

According to the incentive plans these high speed internet connections should already be installed and functioning for pretty much every American at speeds averaging 45 Mbps upload and download. Every American taxpayer, that is not a provider of internet infrastructure, has taken on the burden of $2000.00 more in taxes in order to offset the incentives gives to AT&T and the baby bells.

Do you have your low cost, high speed fiber yet?

Comment Re:WaPo still won't use word "torture" (Score 5, Insightful) 207

Also the 'T' word: Terrorism.

The point of the torure and the extra judicial imprisonment beyond the norms of warfare is to spread terror and fear in those who are perceived as enemies. In other words, State Sponsored Terrorism.

It does not keep anyone safe. It creates and breeds more hatred and desire for revenge. It isolates the US from allies. It does the exact opposite of ending terroism. Torture is like throwing gasoline on the bonfire of terrorism.

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.

Comment Re:Whatabout we demand equal time of our views ins (Score 5, Interesting) 667

I'd rather have equal taxation for churches.


In the Bible, Christ preaches that his followers should pay their taxes. You know 'Render unto Rome what is Rome's...". I believe that fundamentalist christian churches should volutarily be paying taxes, even if the law does not require it.

After all the bible tells them to do it!

Comment Re:No Details (Score 4, Insightful) 93

Age of the code and the level of patches are two different things

Older code has had more time for vulnerabilities to be found and patched.

Newer code is, well, newer and has had less time for vulnerabilities to be patched.

In general if you want to maximise vulnerability, run the oldest code, but apply no patches. The next most vulnerable general case would be to run the newest code because you are playing with untested fire and risking zero day exploits.

In production systems it is usually best to run code that is old enough to be stable, well tested and well patched.

There are counter examples when a long unknown exploit is discoverd, but the same kind of exploits could live in brand new code as well. However new code could contain some really simple exploits that will be patched pretty quickly. You don't want your production system to be the system opening up the tickets with support that find the exploit is the root cause. Because that means you've got to explain to your customers why their credit card numbers have all been stolen.

Comment Carreers in tech (Score 1) 451

It is always a bad idea to try to tie yourself to any one corporation for a career in software technology. Any skills you have will be outdated very quickly and will require a constant treadmill od relearning how to do the same things with a new interface. Any technology skills that will serve you well over time are the ones that don't care what the particular vendor is.

Tech writing, testing, and business analysis are good choices if you lack programming skills, although all of these benefit from good programming backgrounds.

If you learn to program you should learn to program on Windows, Linux, Mac and Unix and never tie yourself to one platform. If you do you will need to constantly update your skills. You may end up working on only one architecture, but if you have the kind of basic skills that run accross a

If you do want a tech career that is tied to a corporation or vendor, get into the hardware side. Learn to service several manufacturer's models of photocopy machines and you will have a job for life. It also won't be outsourced. Regardless of where the machine is manufactured someone will have to be on-site in order to fix it. That is until they get so small they can be shipped to wherever to be fixed.

Comment Re:But why wouldn't they? (Score 1) 288

Boards and directors due legally have a fiduciary responsibility to share holders. This is covered under countless laws like Sarbane Oxley and many others. This is, in a nutshell, a responsibility to report earnings and expenses completely and acurately. If the company is losing money or making money or just breaking even, the officers and leaders of the company are supposed to follow accepted accounting practices to record and report these things.

You are correct that there is no legal responsibility to maximize profits, but there are legal responsibilities that are fiduciary in nature.

In the US there are state and federal laws that do lay out fiduciary responsibilities for corporations, businesses, and companies. These legal responsibilities have almost nothing to due with what is happening here. They are kind of like laws that require you to drive responsibly when you get a driver's license. There are no laws requiring you to maximise your gas mileage, or to extend the life of your car as long as possible. These things may benefit you as an individual, but they are not legally required.

What this basically boils down to is that Apple is, technically, making almost no profit in Australia and so it pays almost no taxes in Australia. The 'profit' is taken elswhere.

As a hypothetical example, imagine a software company headquartered in California, Utah or Washington state USA. Imagine buyers of the software that live in Brisbane or Sydney Australia. Then imagine a magical Island that charges almost 0% tax on profits.

The hypothetical US software companies will set up subsidaries in Australia and in the magical island. The US software companies will transfer all of the intellectual property rights to the magical Island subsidiary. So the magical Island is the 'owner' of the software rights. The Australian purchaser pays $100.00 AU for a unit of software. The Australian subsidiary records $100.00 AU as net income. Of course the Australian subsidiary purchases the software from the magicle Isle and pays $99.99 Au for it. So the AU subsidiary makes 1 AU cent profit, and is only liable for taxes on that profit.

The software is made, under contract, in the US. The magical Island pays the US company $0.10 US for each unit. It costs the US company $0.09 US to make, so they also make very little taxable profit.

Where is the profit? Seemingly it is in the magical Island. However, what is magical about this island is its tax laws. The laws only require corporations there to pay taxes on sales that happen there!, so the Australian sale does not count towards taxable profits on the magical Island.

All of this is perfectly legal and acceptable under the laws of the countries involved. The reason Austrailia was able to follow the money and figure this out is because these companies are not skirting the law and are fulfilling their legally mandated fiduciary responsibilities. They follow standard accounting practices and record all of these things accurately as required by law.

Comment sparse is good, but (Score 0) 216

Sparse coding is good, but can become 'obfuscated' code pretty quickly. Wolfram has a lot of experience in data analysis and mathematical calculations this seems to be great for jobs along those lines.

This looks like it could be a great tool for certain needs, but not a general purpose tool.

Comment Re:Pretty cool but.... (Score 1) 164

Regardless of what you pay for a bike, it is worth about $25 US.

Because that is what the guy who stole it will get at the junkyard for it when he sells it. Unless it is made from carbon fiber. Then it is worth less than $25 because it has less metal.

The best place to get a bike to commute on is at a garage sale. Let the hipsters ride the expensive dutch bikes and the nu-freds ride the road bikes.

Comment the root of the problem (Score 5, Insightful) 1009

Honestly, I think this argument can be put to rest. The sales figures do not lie.

While It's nice for you that you are happy with Metro, the interface is not moving computers off the shelves. There are a lot of people who will risk staying with XP, and the security risks that go along with it, rather than switching to Metro.

Windows fan boy or not, there is no arguing that MS has built a flop. Time to move on. The train has left the station.

Apple carved out a new frontier in the small touch screen market with the iOS interface. Then Android came along and also did well in the small touch screen interface market. However, both of these OS's left their desktop version (OS/X and Linux whatever) behind. Different modes of interfacing with hardware drove different interfaces.

People were happy using a traditional desktop on the desktop (Windows was the clear #1 here), and a new interface on their small touch screens. Could you find a few odball users? Sure. For the most part, however, people seem to have no problem using more than one interface. Each interface suited to its environment.

The idea that everyone wants one interface is a problem that does not exist, and is not looking for a solution.

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