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Comment Re: And this is news? (Score 2) 122

I really have enjoyed the document by document approach. Especially when they are related. Document reveals X and implies Y. NSA says we can legally do X but we would never do Y. Two weeks later a new document that explains how they accomplish Y and they've been doing it for a decade. It is truly amusing!

Comment Re:Human Spirit be dammed (Score 1) 92

Ah yes, i forgot my childhood lesson of "don't disturb the dust on airless moons and planets".

But seriously, there is a difference between polluting the Earth and polluting the Moon. Not only is there nothing alive on the Moon. There will never be anything living on the moon unless humans put it there. If you are saying "The purity of the Moon must be kept!" then your principles are not something the majority of people would ever be interested in. I would rather see a giant corporate Disney theme park on the moon with Starbuck's coffee bulbs littering the moon-scape than a Moon that we cannot reach and left "pure".

Comment Re:Need more mental health centers not prisons (Score 1) 260

Ah, you must have missed the rest of my post. Apologies : )
If anyone is seen by someone even capable of diagnosing schizophrenia and it didn't take three referrals and several months of persistence on the patient's part then everyone would call bullshit.
Which appears to be the exact response to Brandon's "diagnosis".

Comment Re:Need more mental health centers not prisons (Score 1) 260

The US wouldn't have that problem and i'll tell you why. They probably had socialized medicine and it was normal to have doctors just see someone on the government's dime. That would never happen here, lol. If anyone is seen by someone even capable of diagnosing schizophrenia and it didn't take three referrals and several months of persistence on the patient's part then everyone would call bullshit. I'm sure someone already in prison has far far fewer options though.

Comment Re:1080P Phones (Score 1) 188

I think the custom phone thing is hit or miss because of updating. It seems like a lot of carriers miss the old days where you released a phone and never touched it again. Android (base) is constantly improving and being refined. If the phone manufacturer or carrier of your phone doesn't push new updates to your phone you can feel left behind and unsupported. This makes people gravitate to the source of the updates : /

You are right though, phones should be profitable on their own. But the extra income from media/app sales shouldn't be hand-waved away either.

Comment Re:1080P Phones (Score 1) 188

This is like saying that consoles don't make money because they are sold at cost. Phones continue to make businesses a lot of money long after they have been bought. Ebooks, music, shows, netflix, games, and normal phone services are some great money makers. Anything on the play store makes money for Google.

Comment Re: follow the money (Score 1) 334

There should always be an audit trail. If i made a mistake and ship bad code it isn't anyone's fault but mine. It can be verified via source control. DBs are no different. Anyone with access to prod has their own login which will show in the logs. Companies that fire people because they made mistakes will end up being a blame-game cluster fuck and their IT dept will die. Shit happens, fix it and move on. Nobody benefits (certainly not the company) if we spend more time pinning blame on someone than restoring from backups or doing a midnight bugfix release. Let's just try to do better next time.

If management is clueless then that is telling me that they are literally hiring clueless people to work there. Abandon ship. If people are intentionally sabotaging production then serve up some logs and have the saboteurs outed for what they are. That sounds really crazy. I would be stressed out if someone was intentionally trying to break production.

Comment Re: follow the money (Score 1) 334

Petabyte DB is rare. Even a terabyte DB is rare. If you are storing actual content in your DB and not just data, i could understand it. But most people store actual files outside the DB with a reference to them. /dev/null seems to have great writing performance but has terrible reading performance. I wouldn't recommend it.

Comment Re: follow the money (Score 1) 334

So someone made a change to production that didn't pass QA? And they did it without you doing a backup first? Three days restoring is too long too. Unless your server is remote and upstream is super slow. But none of these things should give you permission to be a control freak. You are responsible for keeping the databases up, yes. But you are not responsible for everything that happens to them. Sometimes your dbs just get screwed up and you'll have to fix it. Just like sometimes business wants things done to the site/app that will totally jack up the fung shui i had going on in code. Nobody is purposefully trying to screw anyone over. We all want the business to grow and succeed. People make mistakes and shit happens. There's no need to also be an ass to each other on top of it all.

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