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Comment Which is castor and which is pollux (Score 1) 32

And where's the Golden Fleece?

Should we assume the name implies a bond between the mortal and the immortal . Or is it meant to imply it's the son of Zeus , king of the gods? Unlike the Christian gods. The Greek gods were not overly concern with humanity other than it being their plaything. "I'm gonna dress up as a goose and get me a woman tonight!" Was always good for a laugh on mount Olympus.

Comment This is not a hub motor (Score 3, Informative) 195

It solves all the problems you name because it is explicitly not a hub motor.

It's a rethink of the CV joint. It's a new type of joint that decouples axial rotation from wheel movement just like a cv joint. However it has the virtue that it can have arbitrarily short linkages. A cv joint can't .

That's the innovation here. The motor is still fixmounted to the chassis. It has a flexible linkage so the wheel can freely move without moving the motor . But the distance bewtween the motor and the wheel can be short.

Comment the simplicity of human language and thought (Score 1) 17

It should be surprising to anyone that a machine capable of "understanding" a query, formulating a topical reply, writing that in coherent English and forming many sentences and paragraphs that spool in a logical reasoned order could be contained in a trillion floats.
These things write responses better than most graduate students.
Now never mind accuracy or correctness. I'm just talking about it executing the thing that all past AI researchers and language modelers agreed was a unique and special human talent, and very closely coupled to consciousness and self reflection .

News flash!!! The it's really trivial !
  That is to say, humans are really trivial thought processors. The most special thing we can do can be encoded on a SIM card.

It's not that AI ate complex it's that we're not complex.

And of course if you think about it this is not surprising. Brains evolved by trial and error so the process of making anything sophisticated just isn't baked into the evolutionary process .

Moreover as GANs demonstrate plainly , generative models don't ever improve on their own. They require a competitive discriminator.

Once our brains reached sufficient complexity to assure reproductive success in our current level of socicual competition for mates and not being eaten by tigers the discriminator stopped assisting our brain development.

Surprisingly we have very nearly reach or passed the singularity we all assumed was way way far off.

Comment Re:As an avid SF reader... (Score 0) 22

The Hugo is no longer a representative of the best of sci fi and fantasy. They are now excluding many others because their personal political views are different, completely ignoring the quality of the work. They are giving awards to authors for espousing the "right" politics for works that are far below the standards the award should represent. For example, Scalzi's "Red Shirts" got best novel. It's not a bad story, but it's not a great story, and Best Novel must be a great story.

When the conservative authors asked people to consider books on a list, representing conservative authors, they were accused of attempting to manipulate the vote. Not they didn't. They asked people to read the books and stories on the list and consider them. Manipulating the vote was when some higher ups in the organization publicly stated that straight white men should not be given awards, they should all go to women of color. At the height of this fiasco, they skipped giving out some awards entirely because the obvious winners didn't fit their political views.

Perhaps they've come to their senses since then, but I wouldn't know as I no longer pay attention to the award and a book with the "Hugo Winner" label on it is not the selling point it once was.

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