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Comment Re:Dragonriders, stand to honors! (Score 5, Informative) 181

I'm sure someone has already said this, but

Crystal Singer was inspired by Pat Benatar, who was trained in opera, but was told by a teacher that the burr in her voice would keep her from being a world class opera singer.......

Man, I loved Crystal Singer.

the Pern stuff was fun, but Crystal Singer was always my favorite.


Comment Re:Lameness (Score 1) 1613

I too am an apple hater from the linux camp, but I also have to agree. I love my ipod classic (fuck Itunes, it's hacked with a linux kernel, but virtually the exact same UI) and I did enjoy my iphone before the android phones surpassed apple.

Sorry to see you go Steve, I have used just about every computer type you ever made, and every os you made. I may hate what apple has become, but boy oh boy! what the Fuck would the computer world have been like without you?


Comment Re:...the dock. (Score 2) 862

Way, way back in the windows 3.1 days, I used two shareware applications, one was called big windows, (it was 4 virtual desktops) and the other was a right click program manager menu that worked anywhere on the desktop. They were THE killer apps for windows.

I used those on 95, 95 se, 98, and they didn't work on win 2k. I searched and searched and searched, and always found something that gave me the same functionality. I always auto-hid my start menu on windows, and in linux I have two menus top and bottom of screen, and they both are autohide.

Now that I've been a linux only camp for over ten years, XFCE4 does both these exact things perfectly. IOW, microsoft can screw up their system all they want. Me? I've still got my multiple desktops for organizing running applications, and right click anywhere menu.

Oh yeah, OS X sucks floppy donkey balls. I hate the 'dock'
ubuntu sucks shrunken monkey balls
Gnome bites my hairy ass. Why oh why would i want to stupidify my desktop like gnome seems intent on doing?
ribbon looks crappy, but I have no direct experiance with it so . . .


Comment Re:That's interesting about the Roku (Score 1) 314

dunno where you are, but in Nevada, all the millenium films (Girl with the dragon tatoo;played with fire;kicked the hornets nest) were in swedish, with english subtitiles streamed through my ps3.

I agree I wish more anime was in japanese with subtitles, there's something about the original language, that a lot more emotion carrys through then english dubs.



Comment Re:iCloud also works with no internet (Score 1) 226

because there isn't a portable music player available that can carry enough space to contain my entire music collection, (4 TB) 99.999% of which I personally bought.

I own one apple device, the ipod classic because it is the largest format device, and it is 120 Gig, which is 1/3d of my music collection converted to mp3's.

You (or someone else) may say 'why do you need all that music' but the answer to that is obvious.

My android phone is perfectly capable of being my music playing device, ( i use pandora and pay each year) why can't I stream my own music from a 'cloud' server? I mean, I could get of my lazy ass and set up a streaming server from home, but that's a pita. It would be so much easier to use google music. That sure is a lot easier then carrying TWO devices that can play music.

P.S. Google, make a goddamn app that runs under debian, so I dont' have to use a windows VM to upload my music.


Comment Re:expecting quality from the movie, you ask too m (Score 1) 226

RE; the lord of the rings trilogy.

First off, I did enjoy them, especially the extended versions,however.

As you previously stated, they left out Tom Bombadil (understandable, but still sad)
which required them leaving out the barrow wights,and how the sword pippin uses injures the witch king of angmar;
    also screws up old man willow pretty good vs the book.

I understood, but regret the removal/merging of Glorfindal and Arwen.

The whole fuck up about Faramir taking frodo, instead of re the book, realizing how important what he(Frodo) is doing is vs his (Faramirs) desire to please his father, again weakining Faramirs 'Charactor' Vs Boromirs 'Charactor'

The MAJOR (IMO) leaving out the Scouring of the shire, which is the whole point of the entire quest, showing how these four hobbits have matured into truly great people, vs how self centered and selfish they were at the beginning. (also gives meaning to the whole farmer maggots crops section)
  the murder of saruman on Orthanc instead of in the shire,
the 'enlightenment' frodo has acheived by the end of the story whereas he doesn't condone any killing, no matter how justified.

Those are off the top of my head, but as I said I did enjoy the films no matter how badly they mangled parts of the story.


Real Reason Why the White iPhone 4 Is Delayed 182

tekgoblin writes "There have been numerous reasons why the White iPhone 4 may be delayed with one reason being the color mismatch between the home button and the body. Well this time there is another reason. A source has told CultofMac that the reason for the delay is a light leakage issue caused by the case being clear. Light from the case leaks into pictures taken by the back and front camera on the white iPhone 4, causing distorted pictures. This problem is non-existent on the black iPhone 4, because of its already black case, so Apple has been looking for a solution to this problem, thus the delay of the White iPhone 4 till spring of next year."

Comment Re:easy solution: (Score 2, Insightful) 472

You are joking right?(OP) I'm using debian, and I routinely copy TB(s) of data from hard drive to hard drive via SATA and/or USB 2.0, and though the usb tramsfer speed is fairly slow, my system doesn't slow appreciably at all.

Weird, I've been using Linux for 10 years now, and one thing linux does really well is move large amounts of data around without killing the system (useability).

Lotsa ram is your freind, also make sure your / filesystem isn't the hdd that you're moving the data from/to or vice-versa. That does slow access down a bit.


Comment Re:Too much money to fix, thing outside the box (Score 1) 218

The more awesome thing is, they (the stupid designers) made a similar mistake with the PRADA store front in the mall called Crystal in City Center, it is a black wall with recessed lenses, and PARABOLIC REFLECTORS behind the lenses. Did I mention the walls face east and south? The parabolic reflectors were made of plastic, and it was discovered, quite rapidly, that they (the plastic reflectors) melt rapidly and/or catch items on fire upon being exposed to sunlight. I've got video of a dumpster full of them burning. I know this because I just finished spending a month replacing said plastic domes with metal ones. expect fires.


Comment Re:Are There Actual Peter Jackson...Fans??? (Score 1) 576

I love Bad taste, and also Braindead (US name dead alive). Bad taste is so bad, that just when you walk over to turn it off, something happens that makes you simultaniously laugh and gross out.

AFAIC, Peter Jackson hasn't made a bad movie yet, including King Kong. His interpretation of TLOTR was all in all good, with some caveats. But, and it's a big but, he should be given 50 lashes for omitting the scouring of the shire. (that and letting Faramir succumb however short term, to the ring)

It'll be interesting to see if/when/how the hobbit gets made.


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