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Comment Re:As a mathematician... (Score 1) 106

In the world of mathematical research, what the NSA knows is by construction a superset of what the academic community knows.

Modulo pub net (aka Brewsky's) and "unpublished communication".

But apparently you subscribe to the the maxim that the "publish or perish" edict is axiomatically tantamount to "no unpublished thought" which I find interesting, because stuffy academic writing hardly strikes me as Truman Burbank's brainstem Twitter feed.

Not that this is a subject matter where we should stray into the kind of pedantry best reserved for slicing and dicing The Recognitions or Gravity's Rainbow or Infinite Jest, which is how real geeks test their mettle.

Comment I've done this YEARS ago (Score 2) 105

Come on. I have used this exact same method on a Windows Mobile 5 device (HTC Touch HD) waaaay back when, using the accelerometer and gravity to determine how my screen was moving and moving a virtual object in virtual space and showing that on my phone's screen.

Not only that, but it's a rather OBVIOUS solution to a problem. Whatever happened to the "non-obvious" requirement?

Comment Vietnam depicted as a "fumble" in the jungle (Score 1) 227

We can see how many of the celebrities have fumbled, sport stars, politicians, movie stars, and yes, even religious leaders, they too fumbled.


Either that's bait, or you haven't dialed in lately with your trusty USR to the acerbic backwash concerning America's popular reverence for all things Reverend.

The second such category is of slightly more importance, because it consists of the editors, producers, publicists, and a host of other media riffraff who allowed Falwell to prove, almost every week, that there is no vileness that cannot be freely uttered by a man whose name is prefaced with the word ''Reverend''. Try this: Call a TV station and tell them that you know the Antichrist is already on earth and is an adult Jewish male. See how far you get. Then try the same thing and add that you are the Rev. Jim-Bob Vermin.

Falwell went much further than his mad 1999 assertion about the Jewish Antichrist. In the time immediately following the assault by religious fascism on American civil society in September 2001, he used his regular indulgence on the airwaves to commit treason. Entirely exculpating the suicide-murderers, he asserted that their acts were a divine punishment of the United States. Again, I ask you to imagine how such a person would be treated if he were not supposedly a man of faith.

Here Falwell plays into the meme (strangely accepted by many of faith) of God as a crypto dominatrix who delivers his retribution shrouded in the most complete and thorough back story conceivable about why the perpetrators might have acted on ordinary human motives (these acts, nevertheless, remaining somehow entirely transparent in their divine origin to suitably entitled religious figures).

I personally have to concur with Hitchens final decree on Falwell: "If you gave Falwell an enema he could be buried in a matchbox."

I guess it's for this reason that the relief scene in Bull Durham (SPOILER: theraindelayinvlveshoomanagenci) is less than completely transparent to the off-screen local yokels, who don't the least suspect human motives when a deluge strikes right between the bullpens and doesn't wet a single stalk of corn within a ten mile radius (though I don't recall the movie bothering to suggest this, there really must have been some blustery weather in the space-time vicinity of non-divine origin to make this ploy modestly plausible, even for agrarian America).

Comment open letter on the bug fix culture of peer review (Score 1) 786

Dear Michael,

The scientific high ground in this matter is to admit that the original peer review process sucked, lacking as it did any reviewer with sufficient statistical expertise to detect subtle methodological errors, and further, to admit that it does not require a PhD in any discipline to point this out (nor, especially, a peer-reviewed paper) if it happens to be true that the paper contained subtle methological errors (which it did).

It's all well and good that the main result itself seems to have held up under additional scrutiny brought to bear once these admittedly small deficiencies were aptly pointed out. This does not change the fact that the original peer review sucked.

(Perhaps you were merely lucky that your result continued to hold water after your subtle statistical errors were properly addressed. This is why a result that merely holds up isn't worth much in a high stakes debate. Proof by hindsight does not strike me as adequate given the magnitude of societal change that effective mitigation seems to require. To me, the stakes seem to be high enough to demand that critical links in the argumentative chain are right in all necessary respects before they are attached to a giant political lever; or, failing to achieve the almost impossible demand of being right in all essential particulars in peer-reviewed published paper V 1.0, that the culture of climate science embrace with a blazing passion the art of the mea culpa bug fix.)

Ordinarily, the peer review process is not expected to be 100% water tight, as the standard pace of science is stately and the stakes are modest. In this example, you paper served as the fulcrum of the biggest political mud fight of the late twentieth century. If climate scientists think that the fate of humanity and the planet lies in the balance, there shouldn't be even an epsilon gap in the quality of the peer review process.

You can't have it both ways without looking like a complete idiot. And it sure doesn't help your cause to look like an idiot when you're being attacked in a thousand illegitimate ways.

Thanks for your attention to this matter. I look forward to the future scientific culture of rock solid peer review in the first instance.

Live long and prosper,
J. Random hockey fan

(By some strange twist of fate, this was the first item to cross my feed after spending thirty minutes flipping through Popper's The Logic of Scientific Discovery which I'm presently reading to discovery why David Deutsch, in particular, praises it so highly.)

Comment Re:Well Then (Score 1) 148

A funny screed, but in the end just as wrong as what it debunks.

The Mossad does not have a bottomless budget. As a result, they generally fabricate pieces of uranium shaped like cellphones in hundred lots. They have even more expensive intrusions, which they fabricate in lots of ten, and then they have the most expensive intrusion of all, which is fabricated like a James Bond concept car (not the car that Bond actually gets, but the one he might get ten years from now).

It really does matter to edit your SSH configuration file to bump yourself up from 10^-9 cost bracket to the 10^-6 cost bracket.

Mossad is not magically except from the 80-20 law. They still try to use the cheapest effective method, and hope to haul in 80% of the catch for 20% of the effort.

If you're in the 99.999th percentile of pure evilness (backed by a private island gold reserve), it's no longer about casting a wide net, and moreover, you already know for certain that you're facing a Mossad-level adversary and you can proceed directly to paranoid schizophrenia.

If you're only in the 20th percentile of pure evilness (you fib on your tax return and download porn off some Shmoe's open wifi) it might just be true that Mossad-level adversaries filter feed at the cost-effective 10^-9 screening bracket.

They went to all this trouble to subvert NIST not because they couldn't break things otherwise, but because they couldn't afford to break things otherwise at the largest possible scale.

Comment Re:March isn't the only weakness. See WEP - RC4 br (Score 1) 148

In 2016, the attacks on ??? expand to ???. I'm not betting MY customers' security on the answer.

Good luck with having any customers by the time you whittle away every protocol with a potentially expandable attack surface.

As we don't even have a formal theory of quantum computation yet, but we do know that some things can be computed by quantum methods, I don't think any current protocol is entirely exempt from worrying cracks in the plaster.

Whatever you like to tell your customers, there's just no escaping this hard business of having to make a judgement call about which cracks to worry about and which to ignore.

Comment Re:Hiding is not effective (Score 1) 130

you will open that door

If your disk contains a larger number of large files with the names entropy$N (of which, the vast majority are actually full of entropy) the ability of the judge to distinguish a door from a wall declines to epsilon, at which point the judge might elect to sweat it out of you nevertheless (you're entirely screwed in this eventuality once you have no more passwords to divulge), but then so is the judge who gives a shit (some do) about the logical justification for his abuse of power (he can't actually know you're being willingly non-compliant—even more so if the file exercise_in_civil_liberty.c is found on your system containing code capable of having created those N-k entropy files).

[Yes, I'm aware that any stray disk subsystem metadata must support this story to the nth degree.]

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