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Comment Re:8bit (Score 2) 516

They look like they are from the seventies and using an 8 bit colour pallet.

Except even in GEoS from the seventies with a not-quite-8-bit color pallet was still capable of showing the differences between each type of GUI widget, and between widget and non-widget.

Win8/10 (and iOS7+, and Unity) fail to differentiate buttons from drop-down menus from checkboxes from radio buttons from text input fields.
You can only tell widget from non-widget by the different square of color, which can and does happen frequently between different areas in a non-widget background image as well.

It more reminds me of those "item hide and seek" point-and-click games where you mainly just click on everything in the image until the game tells you everything has been found.

Comment Re:I wonder why... (Score 2) 193

Cities don't license plumbers, painter, interior decorators, electricians, doctors, lawyers, nannies, or nurses. Even though these people need much more training.

In Australia, plumbers, electricians, doctors, nannies and nurses all need to be licensed. You're talking out your arse or you live in the wild west.

Even over here in the wild west, plumbers, electricians, doctors, nannies and nurses all need to be licensed.
Lawyers do too.
Only painters and interior decorators on GPs list don't need licenses here.

Perhaps by "nanny" they meant "babysitter"? Baby sitters need no license, and many do call baby sitters a "nanny" despite the medical qualifications needed for the official title.
Not that such a mistake would make the GP any more correct of course.

Comment Re: Ground Penetrating Radar potential (Score 1) 135

One of the issues is whether they will turn from transmit to receive fast enough. If not, you might need two, or one of those cheap stick receivers and a converter.

Is there some standard way to manage timing? Does the weekend hacker need to deal with signal/buffer latency from the DAC/ADC or somehow manage timecode synchronization?

Comment Re:Companies ask for it (Score 2) 186

You have plenty of 'choice', but sitting and waiting for someone to actually do the work and make a success out of something then springing your patents on them and trying to cash in... yeah.. you are not likely to get much sympathy for your forced hand.

In a world where ideas are a dime-a-dozen, execution ability is the real currency.

So obviously those with no execution ability should use the government to force people to pay them for ideas they could not figure out how to make money on themselves.


Comment Re:Should a Service Robot Bring an Alcoholic a Dri (Score 3, Insightful) 162

As long as you don't demand that one provide you with sex...

But then, that's a whole other ethical bucket of fish.

Nobody thinks there's an ethical problem with me "forcing" my lawnmower to spin its blade and murder the grass, or torturing my refrigerator by chaining it to a wall and making it go "brrrr" all day.

Machines do what their owners want, end of story - there are no ethical issues unless they affect other people.

Comment Re:But can we believe them? (Score 2) 99

You realize that no one would give them money for the replacement sims? they would be required to replace them for free like in any recall

Not just that - it might be worth it to the carriers to get the SIMs from anybody else.

Nobody buys their SSL certs from Diginotar anymore - there is a smoking crater on the crypto landscape where that incompetent business used to be.

Gemalto is left with having to prove the negative. We only need believe that their security and forensics people are more competent than the NSA/GCHQ attacker and cover-up people are, and continue to trust them on that basis. Gemalto cannot take a different position than they are now, no matter how confident they are/aren't.

Why aren't phones generating their own keys when they're activated at the store? Burn a fusible link if necessary. This would be more secure _and_ cheaper for the carriers. Oh, because NSA has plants on the GSM committees?

Comment Re:WTF? (Score 1) 406

Of course burglars don't like that doors are locked, but they are the fucking REASON those doors are locked!

Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: Jesus H. Christ! Private Pyle, why is your footlocker unlocked?
Private Gomer Pyle: Sir, I don't know, sir!
Sergeant: Private Pyle, if there is one thing in this world that I hate, it is an unlocked footlocker! You know that, don't you?
Private: Sir, yes, sir!
Sergeant: If it wasn't for dickheads like you, there wouldn't be any thievery in this world, would there?

The moral of the story - Always encrypt and lock everything, or gunnery sergeant hartman will find your jelly doughnut and you'll get beaten in your sleep by everyone with soap in socks.

Comment Re: Why not in the US? (Score 1, Insightful) 82

The US has the highest effective corporate tax rate, so yes, Denmark has to be lower.

The main difference is that the high rates exist here mainly to keep small businesses from becoming competitive with the multinationals (which buy off the politicians with campaign money in exchange for favorable treatment).

And, yes, Apple is trying to reduce its US footprint wherever it doesn't really matter. The only surprise is that they haven't bought Cuba (yet).

Comment "Fairness" (Score 4, Insightful) 305

There's no such thing as "fairness" - it's a fairy tale concept that causes humans far too much suffering.

I would love to get $1300 for each million user sessions served by a system I designed - holy cow that would add up. I get paid for a job, and that is that. I realize that artists often sign bad business contracts (when I do, I just lose money - boo hoo).

But regardless Spotify and Pandora aren't equivalent - the songs I hear on Pandora are often ones I've never heard before. I've bought CD's based on its generated recommendations - Pandora is a promotion platform for artists. Spotify tends to be more for music on demand. It's nice that Pandora also pays the artists for the airtime - I'd imagine Pandora would survive just fine only playing for promotional value.

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