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Comment Big deal for TN. (Score 1) 392

Tennessee has no income tax, so it relies on its almost 10% sales tax for a lot of its revenue.

So, yes, this is a big deal for them.

However, if this actually happens, I can see a cottage industry growing of sales tax databases. This would also include when states have "tax holidays", where there is no sales tax on certain items.

I don't get the argument, though, that it would be too complicated. All nationwide retail stores do it. It's just one more thing to deal with as a business owner.

Comment Re:haskell for the masses? sure, but only... (Score 1) 338

The problem with Haskell, OCaml, and the like is that, despite what this author tries to beg you to believe, is that they are NOT readable, and don't boost developer productivity any more than any other language/framework.

The author has a bias - it's extremely readable to him because he's been working with it for 10 years. I imagine most of us developers would be fluent in a language after using it that long.

Personally, I think the most productive languages are the statically typed object-oriented languages (C#,Java, etc). Having dynamic typing (ruby, python) leads to a lot of runtime errors and slows down development because the developer has to think about what a method is returning, while with static type function declaration he just has to look at it.


Submission + - OnStar drops 'Big Brother" tracking after uproar (thecarconnection.com)

thecarchik writes: After announcing plans to change its terms and conditions to enable what one U.S. Senator called a "brazen" invasion of privacy, OnStar has decided to reverse its course, and will not collect and share data from canceled subscribers.

OnStar had planned to change its terms of service to allow it to continue to collect data about drivers' location, speed, and other factors, and then share (i.e. sell) that data even after the owner of an OnStar-equipped vehicle had canceled their subscription, unless they called and specifically requested the tracking be turned off.

In a press release today, OnStar President Linda Marshall said, "We realize that our proposed amendments did not satisfy our subscribers. This is why we are leaving the decision in our customers' hands.

Submission + - How often do you put pen to paper?

doconnor writes: "Throughout the day
Once a day
Once a week
Once a month
Once a year
Pen? I haven't used a stylus since the iPhone came out."

Comment The hysterical media (Score 1) 804

Looking back at the page on slashdot from that day, What strikes me is how the media got so much stuff wrong - which is very understandable. Ten years later, though, and this still happens constantly. The 24-hour news cycle means that news channels rush stuff on the air without knowing the full story.


Submission + - Hyderabad Ad Agency (sarojads.com)

pereiraleslee writes: "Saroj ads is an integrated Hyderabad Ad Agency and marketing communications working together of people or organisations, to achieve a result greater than the total of their individual effect or capabilities. Since 1989, our mission is to delight our clients and ourselves with remarkably creative marketing communications that drive customer engagement and purchase through whatever channel. The creative work we produce always adds value, is delivered on time, on budget and with good humour, using whatever medium is required."

Submission + - Apple Planning a Cheaper 8 GB iPhone 4 (tekgoblin.com)

tekgoblin writes: "According to various sources on the matter, Apple is set to release an 8 GB iPhone 4 which will be aimed at lower ends of the market. The phone will be cheaper than the current iPhone 4 which also only comes in 16 and 32 GB versions. The original rumor was that Apple may product an iPhone 4s which would be a smaller version of the iPhone 4."

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