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Comment Re: Application sandboxing (Score 1) 577

Don't confuse widespread misinformation with consensus of knowledgeable people.

If they enabled SSH and didn't change the default password, then that's a possibility, but a JB doesn't install SSHd by default, nor does it increase the attack surface. The post I linked to explains all of that, though, so it's easier to just reference that than reiterate it all point-for-point here.

Comment No. (Score 1) 577

The answer is no. Really, your question could have ended with anything after "Will Windows N finally address," and the answer would have been the same. Windows 10 will not finally address anything.

Next question.

Comment Re:I wonder how he is... (Score 4, Insightful) 46

To be fair, he didn't actually do anything regarding throttling except to voice disapproval. As someone else mentioned, making noise and taking action are two different things, and so far he's really only done the former. It's an improvement over past chairmen, perhaps, but not something we should necessarily be satisfied with.

Comment Re:Time to... (Score 1) 475

I agree that "not allowing people to fly from those countries" is ridiculous, but only because it's insufficient as a quarantine measure. Exceptions can always be made for people and materials to enter a quarantine, since that doesn't affect containment, so the argument that medical personnel and drugs couldn't get there is specious. The key point is that they wouldn't be allowed to leave again until it was all clear, if such a thing was really necessary.

That said, it doesn't seem like that's a step that we as a planet need to take just yet. Basic controls appear to be working, at least on the global scale, with outbreaks isolated to populations with poor hygiene and a strong distrust of (mostly foreign, to them) medical workers.

Comment No, he supposed. (Score 1) 534

He realized that people's reactions will be heavily influenced by their religious beliefs

To realize is to become aware of a fact. The above clause is not a fact, it's a hypothesis. It's not a realization, it's an assertion. Catholicism forbids birth control, but a majority of Catholics are in favor of it. So even if religion has affected their views to birth control, which is speculative, then that influence has been unconvincing in most cases.

I'm a secularist agnostic, and this article just seems like an excuse to attack religion. To the best of my knowledge, all major religious texts are silent on extraterrestrial life, so there's no inherent conflict between religion and aliens.

To the extent that I am at all concerned about people's reaction to the discovery of aliens -- which is to say, hardly at all -- I am more concerned with how we would handle it on a global scale rather than how any subgroup would react. There will always be naysayers, and (it's worth noting) they may well be right! Should it happen, alien contact may well turn out to be a tragic event in the story of our species. Or it might be a monumental achievement. But aside from some ground rules, like not shooting first and asking questions later, I think it makes sense to wait until we know what we're dealing with before making any policy decisions, let alone worrying about the effects of any dissidents, or the motivation for their dissent.

Comment Re:This is evil (Score 1) 907

People who gave out NINJA loans to people who had no hope of repaying these loans and then proceeding to misrepresent these loans as AAA were the prime reason for the crisis.

Or, I guess you could say, they were the sub-prime reason for the crisis.

Get it?

Comment Re:So-to-speak legal (Score 1) 418

While that's true, this article strikes me as more of an excuse to bash Comcast than an actual harm. In particular, there are no actual names used, no recordings provided, and no fact-checking. This makes me skeptical from the start. But even assuming this really happened, and that it happened the way it was described, and that the guy wasn't proxying other traffic and/or running an exit node, there's still no report of an actual consequence. If the user in question is claiming that returning Comcast's call is a consequence, then please allow me to apologize on behalf of Comcast, with whom I have no affiliation. I am willing to shoulder 100% of the blame and criticism on their behalf.

Likewise, to anyone who has ever returned a phone call of their own free will only to find that the reason for the call was not of a congratulatory or rewarding in nature, I apologize. This includes, but is not limited to, people who were advised to "come in to discuss test results," whose "payments have not yet been received," or whose girlfriend really needs to "talk" over dessert. Life is not always sunshine and unicorns, and I am sorry that you had to go through that! This is a safe place where you can talk about your feelings. Just let it out.

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