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Comment Re:We need a US base in the Ukraine (Score 1) 623

You mean to the one where the US sent in troops without any insignia with the goal of annexing Iraq as the 51st state?

Snark-snipe all you want, but think how much easier things might have been if we did in fact annex Iraq. Big local buffer for Israel (which seems to be ultrahigh priority in DC), all the middle-Eastern military bases we want, a major OPEC player becomes part of the USA,... . And all we'd have to worry about is some minor (hah) backlash from a few other countries in the region. Heck, Putin might never have noticed Crimea if he were concentrating on the new US state of Texiraqas.

Comment Multi-user capability does exist (Score 1) 321

Not claiming it's available on all (or older devices), but at the very least my Asus MemoPad lets you set up separate accounts with controllable access to apps. And of course separate passwords so Junior never even has a chance to use your account or your credit card.

If you don't want it broken, get another one for you kids -- applies to just about everything.

Comment problems (Score 2) 273

First, the current SAT rules are that each student can select which test scores to submit to colleges. Many kids take SAT prep courses and then take the SAT multiple times, submitting only the best result.

Second, colleges seem to be reluctant to publish any sort of data on the correlation (or lack thereof) between SAT scores and college GPA or dropout rates. So how do we even know whether the SAT is a useful assessment tool?

Disclaimer: I'm a college-application anarchist who thinks all admissions departments should be taken out and shot, and applicants selected using the time-honored Staircase Method.

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We want to create puppets that pull their own strings. - Ann Marion
