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Comment Re:On the desert roads of Nevada, maybe (Score 1) 722

A computer can distinguish people along the road, and could drive the maximum possible speed depending on the distance and time it would take said people to be in danger. If the person is still 50m away and it would need 20m to break from 50 km/hour, then it can drive 50 km/h 100% safely all the way until it touches that person lightly with the bumper -- at which point it should apply the horn.

If a person would need to move 5m first before it would be in the car's path, the car can compute the earliest possible time that person might be in its path (given the maximum possible human speed) and drive whatever speed is safe to make it impossible to hit that person.

I'm afraid you will be beaten by these computers, especially when you are sleepy, it is dark, it is raining, the sun is in your eyes or something happens you DIDN'T anticipate.

Comment Re:If you are on the clock (Score 1) 228

You are a good example of the power drunk asses that must hate it that nowadays the SLAVES are required to be paid by law.

Luckily in my business I choose where to work... and you better damn well provide a good environment and pretend like you care about my grievances or I you won't even have to fire me as I will leave on my own. Pray you never have to manage something where you can call yourself lucky you managed to hire the people you need.

Comment Re:Documentation (Score 1) 473

I've been the one that "follows others" often enough. You know what? I never read the documentation beyond the rudimentary "how to get the environment set up". After that, I will look at the code and see what it actually does, not what it is documented or supposed to do.

Nothing annoys me more than having a wise ass sitting next to me telling me to read the documentation "because that's how it is supposed to work"... especially when I get called in because it doesn't work as it is supposed to work.

Comment Sharing will soar (Score 3, Insightful) 325

Ridiculous. If a car can drive itself, it is much easier to share with others. No need for a family to have 3 cars anymore if you can just send one to go pick some one up.

There'll be a taxi style service, or cars shared by people living in the same block, and cars will just go where they're needed.

Comment Everchanging landscape (Score 1) 91

If there is something that could model the stock market, then everybody would be rich. Since that's not possible, a few people could get rich using an accurate model, but that only works as long as the model isn't used by everybody -- eventually it will fail and many will get hurt.

You can make your model as complicated as you like, using as many variables as you like. If someone else knows you're using it, they can scam you out of your money.

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