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Comment Re:Finally figured out who the Holy Ghost is (Score 1) 866

My girlfriend and I were wondering who exactly the Holy Ghost is. I mean, it's not God, and not his son Jesus, so who the fuck is it? I decided it was God's imaginary friend.

I feel sorry for you. May god have mercy on your soul. You should not blaspheme the holy spirit. I hope for your sake that you are an atheist because if you are not then you just doomed yourself.

Whether or not I am an atheist, I have not "doomed" myself. If there is a god and he is that petty, I have no desire to meet him, much less spend eternity with him. My god will have a sense of humor.

Comment Re:Finally (Score 1) 866

Mormonism is to stupid to even comment on...

I'll help you out here: Mormons believe that some dude found some magical gold plates that explained all sorts of appendices to the bible, but for some reason said dude lost the plates so there is no evidence; you should have tons of wives and kids, wait only one wife now, but you have many in the afterlife; blacks can't make it to the best part of heaven, oh, wait, now they can; and special underwear gives you magic powers and makes you closer to God.

Comment Re:No, but your own choices are. (Score 1) 179

Of course, ymmmv, but I've never seen so much hate and vitriol directed at any president as what Obama has had to endure. Endless anti-Obama bumper stickers, even after he has no more terms to run for! And of course all the endless propaganda about how he's a secret muslim out to destroy the country. I find that the liberals tend more to argue the policy, whereas the cons do the name-calling and conspiracy theories. I never pay attention to how many friends I have on FB, so I can't say how many cons de-friended me. I don't defriend people for having a different point of view, though I may hide them if I just can't take the constant stream of hate.

Comment Re:No, but your own choices are. (Score 1) 179

If you de-friend someone (or large groups of someones), their stories are basically not going to be on your feed in the first place, and liberals have been shown to be more likely to de-friend conservatives over political differences than conservatives de-friend liberals

In my experience, the reason for this is that conservatives push out a lot of hate in their postings and liberals don't. No one wants to read a lot of nasty name-calling.

Comment Re:Do not want (Score 1) 125

But there are competitors in the flat-screen market. These headlights can easily be proprietary, blocking aftermarket replacement parts. And even if there are aftermarket replacements, the market won't be large enough to drive down price - each car maker will have incompatible parts, probably even model-specific.

Comment Re:Science (Score 1) 416

On the other hand it's quite likely that the technology required to build satellites that can observe Earth is remarkably similar to the technology required to build satellites to observe other planets. There's a huge amount of overlap; why wouldn't you want them to do it on Earth first? It'd be cheaper and faster, for a start, along with providing useful information. What's the downside?

The downside is that the shitload of evidence showing climate change is real would grow. That is a downside to Cruz and his minions.

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