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Journal Journal: User-moderated story queue, late-August 2003 7

If you have a story submission that has been neglected in the second half of August 2003, then reply to this post. Submitting stories both here and elsewhere at the same time is fine and encouraged.


Journal Journal: User-moderated story queue, late-July 2003

If you have a story submission that has been neglected in the second half of July 2003, then reply to this post. Submitting stories both here and elsewhere at the same time is fine and encouraged.


Journal Journal: User-moderated story queue, early-July 2003 1

If you have a story submission that has been neglected in the first half of July 2003, then reply to this post. Submitting stories both here and elsewhere at the same time is fine and encouraged.


Journal Journal: User-moderated story queue, late-June 2003 4

If you have a story submission that has been neglected in the second half of June 2003, then reply to this post. Submit stories both here and to the Slashdot queue (and/or your journal) at the same time. (If a story makes it onto the main page too, so much the better...)

(Question I'm debating: should I delete old journal entries for which there were 0 story submissions?)


Journal Journal: User-moderated story queue, early-June 2003 3

If you have a story submission that has been neglected in the first half of June 2003, then reply to this post. Submit stories both here and to the Slashdot queue (and/or your journal) at the same time. If a story makes it onto the main page too, so much the better...

Write-once, submit-twice!

Added 2003-06-10: For the original journal article (now scrolled off) describing the concept/motivation of this user-moderated story queue, see here.


Journal Journal: User-moderated story queue, late-May 2003

If you have a story submission that has been neglected in the second half of May 2003, then reply to this post. Submit stories both here and to the Slashdot queue (and/or your journal) at the same time. If a story makes it onto the main page too, so much the better...

Write-once, submit-twice!


Journal Journal: User-moderated story queue, early-May 2003 1

Check out the story submissions from last month. A few decent ones never made Slashdot.

If you have a story submission that has been neglected in the first half of May 2003, then reply to this post. Submit stories both here and to the Slashdot queue (and/or your journal) at the same time. If a story makes it onto the main page too, so much the better, right?

Write-once, submit-twice!


Journal Journal: User-moderated story queue, late-April 2003 4

If you have a story submission that has been neglected in the second half of April 2003, then reply to this post. I find it easiest to submit stories both here and to the Slashdot queue at the same time. It definitely gets seen here by several people. Heck, post the story in your own journal too, with a link to it if that helps you get greater visibility. If a story makes it onto the main page too, so much the better.


Journal Journal: Stories rejected in (or before) early-April 2003

If you have a story submission and that has been neglected in the first half of April 2003, then reply to this post. Heck, if you *know* it's a good story, just post it here too when you submit to Slashdot. That's what I find easiest for me. Links to your own journals accompanying your story submission are fine.

I read slashdot fairly regularly. I guess I need a bit of a cron job to remind me to make these journal posts though, since these journal entries stop accepting comments after 2 weeks.


Journal Journal: Stories rejected in (or before) late-March 2003 3

If you have a story submission that has been neglected in the second half of March 2003, then reply to this post. Heck, if you *know* it's a good story, just post it here too when you submit to Slashdot.


Journal Journal: Stories rejected in (or before) early February 2003

If you have a story submission that has been neglected in the first half of February 2003, then reply to this post.

("First half" since someone reminded me that journal entries get archived (and thus can't be moderated) after a while, and I think based on past experience that this happens after 2 weeks. I'll change the periodicity if I discover otherwise.)



Journal Journal: Stories rejected in January 2003 6

If you have a story submission that has been neglected in January 2003, then reply to this post.

I'm not sure how/whether comments on stories in my journal can be moderated or not; I'm hoping so. Here goes nothing.

Update: 01/21 5:18 GMT: It works! The first story has been moderated up! Thanks to the kind moderator for noticing this area, whoever you are. Now we just have to get more submissions (+ moderations). I'm advertising in my tagline; feel free to join in.


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