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Comment Re:Why do people still care about C++ for kernel d (Score 2, Insightful) 365

The Windows kernel APIs are all C, there is no C++ in it. You can use a subset of C++ that doesn't require runtime support, but it is unsupported.

Linus hates C++ for a lot more reasons than ABI, and the majority of them are completely uninformed and show a lack of C++ experience.

All the understandability and maintainability worries people have about C++ in the kernel would be easily controlled by standard patch review. Don't like giant template metaprograms? Don't accept the pull request. That easy. Perhaps one of the valid reasons to keep C++ out of the kernel right now is purely that Linus would be unable to review such patches with authority.

Even simple things like classes, RAII, basic templates, and exceptions would do wonders for development.

Comment And now it all makes sense (Score 3, Interesting) 76

My workplace gets regular audits from our clients, usually every 3-24 months depending on how big/paranoid the client is. JP Morgan Chase is one of them.

We could tell the audit this summer was a bit different. It took about twice as long and went into much more detail than usual specifically regarding our tech side. After the audit, we got an unexpected list of demands related to stopping leaks.

Now, we don't handle sensitive financial information for them, so it's possible they were just trying to cover all their bases and we got stuck with security theater. Irritatingly, everyone in IT immediately recognized that the demands wouldn't actually prevent leaks. When you have a company full of employees who regularly use FTP, email, and even dropbox to send files to clients, you're simply not going to be able to prevent it.

After months of back and forth trying to kill some of the more ridiculous demands -- like blocking access to Gmail, which we use for company email -- they simply wouldn't budge. We've been wondering why they're standing so firm about it, and now it all makes sense.

Comment Re:CloudFlare is a f.ing nightmare for anonymity (Score 2) 67

he trouble with CloudFlare is, if you want to stay anonymous on the internet using Tor, you're SOL, as they serve you captchas every 3 pages when they see a connection coming from a Tor exit node.

This feature can be easily turned off in their settings. It is part of their security features.

Comment This isn't going to work. (Score 2) 117

I'd love to see more people using Tor, but the experience has to change a lot before we can do that.

Being anonymous and secure on Tor is not easy. It's a major inconvenience to disabling browser features like Javascript, and it requires firm behavioral changes from the user.

Putting a mainstream user into the same environment is simply not going to work.

Comment Re:This is silly (Score 1) 358

The #2 thing Apple can do is offer songs in Apple Lossless. AAC was a good choice back when 128K was the bitrate of the day. But, in a world where everyone is selling 256K and 320K tracks, I'd rather get my music in a lossless format and convert down to VBR MP3.

A thousand times this. It's been shown that ~192K VBR from a modern encoder is transparent to our ears, so these 256K or higher bitrates are the worst of both worlds: it's not lossless AND it's a waste of bandwidth.

Comment Re:I am guessing they will make a sequel (Score 1) 330

They said they wont make changes to Minecraft, so how will they make money?

I've seen kids wearing Minecraft backpacks and shirts, said something like "hey cool! what're you building right now?" only to discover that while they've heard of the game they haven't actually played it.

I suspect these paraphernalia stand to make a lot more money than the game does.

As far as coming out with sequels, I'm not sure how well that would work anyway. Minecraft prides itself on being extremely basic, letting the player provide the creativity. What could a sequel possibly provide that didn't do away with that premise?

Anyway. Worth 2.5 billion? Highly doubtful, especially looking at the lackluster response to anything non-Minecraft they've brought out.

Comment Re:Can someone clarify the state of BitCoin? (Score 4, Interesting) 134

Bitcoin itself doesn't have any known security flaws. One usability issue is that you can't instantly guarantee a transfer of coins -- nobody is going to be buying coffee with it directly.

It's not so much about problems with Bitcoin, but with Bitcoin "banks" that turned out to be incredibly insecure. The banks were created to exchange paper money for Bitcoins, and to facilitate instant transfers. They just happen to be incredibly bad at it, and because there is no regulation like an actual bank, are pretty much free to be as bad as they want.

Paypal is actually a good fit, as Bitcoin is essentially a decentralized Paypal. Paypal is also pretty well known for the same evils as they aren't regulated like an actual bank either, but they've got a lot of infrastructure and experience that could make them a far better Bitcoin bank than what's available right now.

Comment Re:pdf.js (Score 2) 132

Office Automation is problematic -- because it literally opens up a hidden window of your Office app and simulates clicking around the UI to do what you need, if something unexpected happens it can unhide the window to show the user a message. This might be good enough for a desktop app, but if you're running it on a server it'll just freeze up your process with noone there to click it.

For Office->PDF conversion of word docs, Aspose.Words has a fairly easy API and generally very accurate rendering. I highly recommend it.

Comment I'm convinced there is no elegant PDF library (Score 4, Informative) 132

At least on the C# side of things, the three libraries I've used (iTextSharp, PdfSharp, and Aspose.Pdf) are all a bit of an unintuitive mess with inconsistencies all over the place and very little documentation. In the case of iText, their revenue stream is putting all their documentation into a book for people to buy, so it's not uncommon to get an intentionally vague response when asking for help.

I cycle between each depending on what I need to do, because they all have their own quirks and supported features. I've even piped from one to another to get certain parts of the process working.

Good luck.

Submission + - Verizon Throttles Data to "Provide Incentive to Limit Usage"

An anonymous reader writes: About a week ago, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) asked for Verizon's justification on its policy of throttling users who pay for unlimited data usage. "I know of no past Commission statement that would treat 'as reasonable network management' a decision to slow traffic to a user who has paid, after all, for 'unlimited' service," the FCC wrote. In its response, Verizon has indicated that its throttling policy is meant to provide users with an incentive to limit their data usage. The company explained that "a small percentage of the customers on these [unlimited] plans use disproportionately large amounts of data, and, unlike subscribers on usage-based plans, they have no incentive not to do so during times of unusually high demand....our practice is a measured and fair step to ensure that this small group of customers do not disadvantage all others."

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