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Comment Come on Ubuntu... (Score 1) 203

Ubuntu needs to get off their asses and release their Android integration they demo'd a while back. They're keeping it to themselves not even available for purchase. I think they're looking for a manufacturer to build a device while there are tons of people ready and willing to install it on their own rooted devices.

Comment expected (Score 2) 110

You had the previous 2 CEO's of Sun contradicting each other and the current Oracle CEO not able to give a yes or not answer to "Is Java free".

How are 12 Joe-Six-Pack's supposed to come up with a yes or no answer to something explained to them through car analogies?

Comment Re:Strategic software (Score 3, Interesting) 202

I think the use of Git makes it pretty safe to begin with.
If someone gained access to do commits to what people consider as the "master" repo, any tampering would have to be done at the head because of all the hashes.
Hopefully the maintainer would realize this the next time they go to push to it Git would tell them that the remote is ahead of them by X commits.
In the case of Linux, I think Linus is the only one who pushes to the master branch, so he would notice.

Comment Re:Core count obsession (Score 0) 207

So a quad-core tablet isn't for you, this doesn't mean nobody has a use for it.
This isn't Apple where you have a one size fits all product.
There are plenty of existing dual core Android tablets out there; and single core ones; and ones with small screens; and ones with big screens; etc.

Most iSheep under-use their $600 iPads and they have no choice because there is only one model (with various amounts of storage)
The good thing about Android tablets is the variety. Most people could save $400 and get a Kindle Fire, but if they want a big boy tablet, its nice that things like the Transformer Prime exist.

I would love to have one of these quad-cores with the new Ubuntu for Android running on it.

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