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Comment So it was the 1950's PATRIOT ACT (Score 5, Interesting) 313

Because short of the martial law of troops in the streets with body armor and M16's..... Oh wait... Our COPS have those now.
Well they dont have assult vehicles...... Wait....
Nor do they have grenade launchers...... Welll.....

So basically they have been planning on the shit we have today for decades?

Comment They also are investigating other things... (Score 4, Funny) 146

They also found some very high tech surveillance drones made from some high tech composites made to look like common folded notebook paper. It seems that these high tech spy planes also use a printed circuitry that looks like words on the surface.

The secret service is still researching these severe breaches of security. While they let a crazy guy run across the lawn and enter the white house in broad day light.

Comment Re:There is no anonymity (Score 5, Insightful) 110

A lot of these guys get caught because they open their yaps. A lot of us old timers from the early days never got caught. When the 414's were taken down I know several people that avoided it simply because they actually listened to the "trust no one" mantra. Just like how the guys that took over WTTW never got caught because they did NOT open their big fat mouths.

So a tip from someone old..... earning "cred" is for noobs. Keep your mouth shut and you really reduce the risk of getting caught.

Comment Re:No (Score 1) 570

"It's free for 1 year. If you wait more than a year to upgrade, you have to pay."


It's free for 1 year. If you have to reinstall after that year because you had to replace or upgrade your hard drive or it crapped it's self because of an update, you have to pay.

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One of the chief duties of the mathematician in acting as an advisor... is to discourage... from expecting too much from mathematics. -- N. Wiener
