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Comment Re:Call Sega about that one (Score 1) 11

The only difference between a smartphone and a tablet is phones can connect to cell carriers. If it will work on your Android tablet it should work on your Android phone, as long as the carrier doesn't block it. And they surely wouldn't, because if you're watching TV on it you're not streaming NetFlix on it.

Comment Re:Call Sega about that one (Score 1) 11

I just checked wikipedia, it did have a cartridge that would play TV. And effort? The hardware is all there -- TV is digital now. A good programmer or perhaps engineer could do it in a few hours. I see no reason why nobody's done it; maybe it was the Sega flop.

Comment Re:People (Score 1) 216

I was actually referring to all immigrants to Europe, not Muslims in particular, though they certainly seem to get the double whammy of "you're not from around here, are you?" combined with hostility towards their religion.

Europe is traditionally a place that people leave so it's not surprising that they haven't figured out how to assimilate immigrants.

Comment Re:meanwhile (Score 1) 342

You're quoting the Ma Bell divestiture as an example of helpful regulation?! Ma Bell:

1. Took her universal service obligations seriously.
2. Invested money into keeping her plant modern and current.
3. Was friendly to labor.
4. Threw gobs of money at Bell Labs for the sake of science, with no expectation of immediate payout or profit.

The contrast with modern day ILECs is telling. I'm less than one thousand feet from our central office and can't get DSL faster than 3mbit/s because Verizon wants out of the wireline business and is bleeding it to death. And who can blame them? They've forced to compete against unregulated cable companies while still meeting all of the legacy ILEC obligations, ranging from service commitments to labor contracts.

If Ma Bell was still around I would have had fiber many years ago. For all her flaws she put money back into the business and planned for the future.

Comment Re:meanwhile (Score 2) 342

My personal opinion is that business should pay absolutely no tax whatsoever. All tax should happen when people extract money from a business. Taxing business is just taxing investors, pay and conditions of employees, or shareholders.

You left 'customers' out of the list. Many taxes are simply passed onto customers as a cost of doing business. Of course, you're exactly right, and I've said this for a long time. A corporation can only transfer money to individuals in the form of salary (taxed) or dividends (also taxed); taxing corporate income is a form of double taxation and at the end of the day is little more than a hidden backdoor tax on individuals.

Comment Re:Free market will sort it out (Score 4, Insightful) 254

You missed his point. His point was that something will always be prohibited and they'll just move into selling that instead. It doesn't have to be drugs. Explosives and other forms of weaponry come to mind as items that are either outright banned or at least highly regulated in most of the World. Are you going to legalize and deregulate them too? Laissez faire for C-4? It would make the Fourth of July a lot more enjoyable but other than that I'm not certain it's a good idea.

United States

White House Office of Administration Not Subject to FOIA, Says White House 334

An anonymous reader writes with this story at USA Today: The White House is removing a federal regulation that subjects its Office of Administration to the Freedom of Information Act, making official a policy under Presidents Bush and Obama to reject requests for records to that office. The White House said the cleanup of FOIA regulations is consistent with court rulings that hold that the office is not subject to the transparency law.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Where's my damned tablet? 11

I'd like to know why in the hell nobody is selling a tablet, or maybe an app for existing tablets, that will let me watch over the air TV on it?

All the necessary hardware is there. Wi-fi and bluetooth are radios. Some cell pones can pick up FM music stations, and have been able to do so and have done so for years.

The FM radio band sits between channels six and seven on the VHF television channels. If it can hear radio, it can see TV.

Comment Re:I feel for them... (Score 1) 273

Quote yourself citing south vietnam please. I just skimmed over the past posts to try and find what you were talking about and couldn't find it.

Maybe if you tried reading instead of skimming you might have understood what I'm trying to tell you a few days ago. It was at the beginning of my second to last post, not even in the middle or at the end.

As for this....

but you were so busy pissing on the flag that you didn't realize I am such a proponent as well.

If you accused me of that in public I would fucking slug you. Don't confuse my annoyance with flag waving hawks and reluctance to go to war for pissing on the flag.

I'll accept you as an equal

I don't really care if you accept me as an equal, look your nose down upon me, or kiss my ring with reverence shown for religious figures. You're some idiot on the internet, nothing more, nothing less. I had thought based on your other posts (not directed at me) that we might have an interesting conversation about foreign policy. Then you started talking like it was a game to be won ("admit it or concede") and just admitted that you don't even read my posts. You're just an internet know it all skimming posts for individual lines you can pick apart. Perhaps you'll surprise me with your reply but I doubt it; if it's more of the same do not expect any further engagement from me.

Comment Re:I feel for them... (Score 1) 273

As to the US violating its agreements, I note that you haven't provided any contemporary examples to back up your position. I will have to take that as your admission that you don't have any which is an argument in my favor.

Either back up your position with a contemporary US example or concede.

I gave you one. South Vietnam. Do you really think that saying "back it up or concede" proves your POV? Want two more? We have abandoned the Iraqi Government and the Sunni tribes that allied themselves with us. We're in the process of abandoning those Afganis that allied themselves with us. The people who have fought with us in those places are screwed. A lucky few will get asylum and become American citizens, the rest will be marginalized if they're lucky and lined up against a wall if they're not.

This is not pointed out at as a criticism of my country, for I am a proponent of realpolitik. At the end of the day so is the majority of the American body politic. You could recognize this fact if you stopped waving the flag long enough to read what I've written. This isn't a game, it's the real world, and America's word is only good as long as the American electorate is willing to back it up. Both our enemies and our allies are cognizant of that fact. The only one who seems to dispute it is you.

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