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Comment Re:Some actual information (Score 1) 257

the answer is simple grandmas cell phone goes dead when she is done talking to all her grandkids. sheesh it reminds me of the 'delete file number 23 if parsed in japanese' bug or the 'we can't do the math on gregorian calender because the line was in pascal and the unix machine doesn't get to it until the end of unix time' time loop bug. and yes i am crazy but i just took my meds an hour ago, and while i may not be 100% sure the related bugs are correctly allocate i can tell you i experienced every single one of them i just tried to be clever with the reasons why.

Comment Re:Propagation delay ??? (Score 1) 720

i have a dual channel ac 1750 router, and a dual channel usb connected wifi dongle make sure you buy a 1750 to match the wifi or it won't be as impressive.. but they operate with a 1500 mbps speed which after overhead they can call 1300 mbps on the box. this uses two 40 mhz channels, in the 5ghz spectrum. older b,g,n signals on 20 mhz channels on 2.4 ghz is still supported because people be like why doesn't it work anymore...

my router uses 3 5ghz trancievers and 3 2.4ghz trancievers, and there are literally hundreds of channels available and while signal strenght is a bane of wireless with the radios at max power there is nowhere inside my house where the internet is slow over my wifi gear. even transfering multi gigabyte files works flawlessly, i have more issues with usb devices operating at their full potential than i do transfering content with my wireless. and while i have had issues with the cable internet being fast enough over the holidays, it isn't the wireless router's fault it is the available wired signal transfer of the cable or dsl providers.

having 12 people on a home grade connection isn't bad at all. it does however suck when you go on vacation and then the resort has got free open wifi through every units cable tuner, and they are unwilling to pay for more than 60 mbps when they have 2 hotels and 50 timeshare uinits... anyways not complaining, it is awesome that wireless connections are available on vacation talking to family and playing games works about half the day then everone needs an hour checking their devices then time for other activities like movies etc. at least that is what it is like in my world...

Comment Misleading headline (Score 2) 151

Headline: Kim Dotcom Regrets Not Taking Copyright Law and MPAA "More Seriously"

Article: "My biggest regret is I didn't take the threat of the copyright law and the MPAA seriously enough," Dotcom said ...

Big difference between taking the law seriously and taking the threat of the law seriously. The headline implies that there's some sort of actual legitimacy to the law and that he's almost apologetic for doing something "wrong." The actual quote however is just a recognition that the government thugs are the thugs they are and the threat they represent is real.

Comment Re:If and only if (Score 1) 652

lets see, how long has global warming been a danger? i see many 1980's pop culture from teenage mutant ninja turtles to star trek the next generation... the 1980s was when USA jumped the shark and said let corporations do anything with as little government oversight and as much subsidies for use of energy as they could do... there has already been decades of climate change evidence. if not centuries. when london started using massive amounts of coal and industrialization there was plenty of concern over what industrialization was doing but since i am not familiar with pop culture of that region at that time i have no links to share.

but i am going to go there, the bible is the oldest known climate change book that i am aware of. the noah story. god flooded the world, due to anger at humanity for being sinful. or perhaps global warming was a known danger even then and the warnings became legends in the bible.

Comment Re:Disney Disc Replacement Program (Score 1) 155

"First see if Disney offers a discount on a new copy with the exchange of a broken authentic disc."

and disney is so going to have an amazon sized warehouse just to replace broken discs for no or low prices.

streaming is an alternative but the companies doing this need rights to content to stream it, and this means loads of cash and complex hardware to store exobytes of data and superfast internet...

compared to making a HTPC that plays video containers made from dvds is better. they only need a usb wireless keyboard/mouse which is cheap to replace when they break it, and for under $300 you can build a multi terrabyte htpc that will use all open source (handbrake to rip, vlc or mplayer or insert software package here to play) and since you are using open source there is no worry about it being defective by design like a ps3 etc. i don't know if the interface to a linux htpc is child friendly haven't had a chance to build one yet, but worst case they ask you for a movie and you play it for them til they are old enough to do it themselves. this is why you have a legal right to make backups. even if the same software can be used to pirate movies. they don't ban gun ownership everywhere and even when they do the criminals still get the guns so legal movie ripping is better than dystopian efforts to regulate backups into non existence for the corporate profit machine...

Comment Re:What is it? (Score 2) 145

chickens are omnivores. they eat everything, grass, bugs, other chickens if they get bloodlust... they will even eat dirt and fecal material... my uncle raises his own chickens and feeds them with some feed and garden greens...

there is also a neat organic chicken method where they are in a moveable, large area cage, which forces them to eat grass and dirt, which they usually avoid as they seek bugs as primary food... it takes grass 7 days to recover from this organic feeding method so you don't need a huge area to do it in. the reason old farms had no problem with bugs was by making the chickens free range in farmland and they would seek shelter (hen house) and without fences you just need a dog or two to keep the chickens on your land... true factory farms produce eggs faster but it is more resource heavy than local farming practices. which we know are sustainable because we have old villages where at one point people were subsistence farming.

they claim you don't need dogs, but dogs also deter chicken raiding foxes or wolves.

Comment Re:writer doesn't get jeopardy, or much of anythin (Score 1) 455

there is a very important thing to consider.

that the reason computers seem so slow at somethings like ai is because we are already inside a singularity, and that as entities inside the construct have no way to 'meet' the intelligence of our singular mind. to create a true singularity from within a true singularity would be akin to rewriting the whole thing and as the singularity we have no way to overwrite our existence except to die and rejoin it. assuming the developers designed it that way.

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