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Comment Re:Mutants! (Score 2) 213

Radioactive waste + the majority of the world's most dangerous species = ... ? Godzilla? Hundred metre diameter spiders? Snakes the size of the great wall of China?

Kangaroos which can hop between Australia & Papau New Guinea? How will we ever contain them from spreading to Indonesia and beyond? Help us Godzilla, you're our only hope!

Comment Re:Surface: the only Hope (Score 1) 379

I would argue that a lot of Apple's success today stems from the fact that they were the dominant machine in schools 30 years ago.

Apple's the dominant force it is because it's still riding on the coattails of OSX and the iPod/iPhone/iPad being cool. It certainly wasn't due to how their computers performed in schools. I went through school using their computers from the Apple II's, endured their horrible puck mouse, and put up with the slow and nearly-non-functioning G3 iMac/eMac line-up, with other Apple products in-between. Generally, the Win95/Win98 experience was more powerful (less waiting/hourglass/spinning-wheel time), and had about the same rate of program crashes. Doing anything online was always a pain, although having a marquee within a marquee will always be a nightmare)

Comment Re:The FCC has no right to dictate terms (Score 1) 208

Personally, I support making the actual last mile wiring a public utility. Let ISPs share them.

That is the wrong way to do it. The right way is to install a 6" wide publicly owned conduit. That is enough for thousands of fibers. Then let any bonded company pull fiber through it. The government should own the roads, not the trucks.

Using your analogy:
FTTH would be the roads
Installers creating the physical connection would be road maintenance
ISP's would be the trucks/vehicles
Data would be the cargo

Comment Re:Isn't it a bit ironic (Score 1) 150

Just pointing out the irony.

Please continue explaining, because I believe you'll have a hard time:

the expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect.
Eg: "Clear as mud"

a state of affairs or an event that seems deliberately contrary to what one expects and is often amusing as a result.
plural noun: ironies
Eg: Ronald Reagan getting shot due to bullet ricocheting off his bullet-proof car

a literary technique, originally used in Greek tragedy, by which the full significance of a character's words or actions are clear to the audience or reader although unknown to the character.
E.g: Pick a random Shakespeare play

Comment Re:He thinks it is not connected to the internet . (Score 1) 522

. . . but curiosity got the better of those eager NSA employee fans, who have bugged the computer to know what will happen before the rest of the world . . .

So that explains the *Beep* *Boop* *Hiss* sound he hears every time he boots up his computer these days....

Comment Re:Sure you can. (Score 1) 482

That's exactly when you DO need a cell. Frankly, only a twit focuses on the day-to-day convenience of these devices before the massive gains in travel safety. If your phone doesn't work in the middle of nowhere, it's broken.

I find walkie talkies and other forms of radio much more reliable than any cell coverage I've had (ATT, T-Mobile, VZW, and Virgin Mobile/Sprint) when out in the boonies. But that's just me.....

Comment Re:Just what I need when I'm in danger (Score 1) 1374

a gun that might not fire.

Sounds like a good gun for the police to use. Get back to us when every police officer in the country has one of these and is forbidden to use a traditional weapon.

Considering gun owners are more likely to get shot by their own gun than shoot an intruder, I'd consider this a win.

Comment Re:USPS should offer a subscription service (Score 1) 338

I don't know what USPS service you have, but... if you have USPS service so exceptional that you find it to be truly better than all other alternatives, well, great, good for you. It just doesn't seem to mirror the experience that I and everyone else I know has.

Society determined (relatively, for the US) long ago that every resident must be able to have access to mail delivery services for a variety of functions, such as:
Civic responsibilities (e.g. voting, being informed of jury duty, &c.)
Delivery of goods (e.g. medicine)
Communications (e.g. letters for correspondence)

This not only includes city dwellers which constitute the vast majority of /., but also people hundreds of miles away from a major city (e.g. the entire states of Alaska & North Dakota, Navajo nation, &c.) There are areas between the US's borders with Canada & Mexico which have no other lifeline to the rest of the world and private couriers have no obligation to provide services to, so they outsource to the USPS.

Comment Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? (Score 4, Interesting) 143

Who watches the watchmen?

Yes, the NSA and the greater intelligence community clearly needs oversight, but will anyone trust someone with that much power any more than we currently trust the NSA?

And to preach to the choir, but shouldn't the conversation shift to asking:

  • Which risks are we (as a society) willing to take
  • What does the intelligence community need to fulfill its social responsibility?

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